<p>I was accepted for ED but haven't sent in my Mid-Year Report yet. A couple of kids from my school called and said that Penn does not need one. However, I can't seem to find anything on Penn's website.
Did you guys send it in? If so, did you just let your counselor do it via online common app?</p>
<p>I can’t imagine them needing one if you’ve already been accepted.</p>
<p>I would assume you’d need to send them. The midyear report is generally to show that you haven’t slacked off during your senior year, as any college can take away your acceptance if they feel you aren’t up to your game.</p>
<p>Bare in mind, they’ll only take it away if you are getting Ds and Fs all of a sudden, or if you have some kind of major disciplinary issue!</p>
<p>I would check just to be sure.</p>
<p>i didn’t send one in, and they haven’t asked for it. i think you’re fine.</p>
<p>I’m pretty sure you need to send one.</p>
<p>I called admissions and asked what someone who was accepted ED needs to send. They said only a transcript, not the whole mid-year report from like the common app</p>
<p>oh. i sent it in cuz i thought i was l8. sheesh all that hassle! lol</p>
<p>i don’t them to see my C in calc!</p>