<p>does ED significantly increase ones chances of getting in?</p>
<p>While the ED accept rate is higher than the regular admit rate (24 vs. 13.5 percent this year, I think), remember that many of the ED acceptances meet enrollment goals, like athletes and legacies. You should only apply early if you are really really sure this is your first choice, and if you know you can afford to go if accepted. If you are dependent on financial aid, be wary of applying anywhere ED.</p>
<p>In the Early Admissions Game, they found that, at elite colleges overall, the admissions rate was higher, with equivalent credentials, for students who applied early. They excluded athletes and found the same thing. I think their sample also excluded legacies, but I don't remember.</p>
<p>The same general findings applied to Brown specifically.</p>
<p>The Early Admissions Game was published - and the research included in it was also done - while Brown was still an Early Action school...</p>
<p>man, that's a killjoy.</p>
<p>well why shouldn't the same thing hold true for ED.</p>
<p>Brown was EA at the time, but the same thing did apply to ED colleges. In fact, the advantage was greater for those applying to ED than to EA colleges.</p>