Does everyone accepted receive a note?

<p>I received a handwritten note asking me to come to CC... is this the norm for accepted students?</p>

<p>The note seems to be fairly common. My kid got one. Other posters have mentioned receiving one. It’s a nice practice (and may say something about the school culture), but I wouldn’t make too much of it if you don’t get one, or imagine you were a highly unusual candidate just because you did. There may be some variations among the regional admissions reps. But if they accepted you, they want you. Congratulations!</p>

<p>I got one too. It certainly is encouraging and a great confidence booster.</p>

<p>I got one of those to. They seem really nice, but rather standardized.</p>

<p>idk, I got one and it seemed to be in response to the essay I wrote… Pretty impressive</p>

<p>mine was pretty personal too, but they accept so few students that they try to make admission decisions as personal as possible… they want students to feel like they really, really want you there. I liked mine… :D</p>

<p>CC really does go out of its way to make its accepted students feel welcomed. </p>

<p>Two years ago when my D was going through the college application process, she was accepted EA and got a handwritten, personalized note with her acceptance. Then in February when the CC’s president, Richard Celeste, was a guest speaker at her school, he mentioned D by name during his talk (on environmental issues) and mentioned one of the things she had written about in her essays and that she was a potential CC student. Later he sought her (and the two other CC early acceptances from her school) out after his talk to say hello. </p>

<p>So CC showed her the love…(just not the money and she ended up going to a eastern research uni instead which showed her both the love and the money. She made a choice that has turned out to be very right for her, but there are days when she kinda wishes she went to CC instead–especially when the western girl in her gets to missing blue skies and mountains.)</p>

<p>President Celeste is a former Governor of Ohio, Ambassador to India, and Director of the Peace Corps. On move-in day last August, he was out helping families carry boxes up to the dorms. During orientation we saw him whizzing around campus on a Segway scooter. His office door is open to students on Monday afternoons. He is a big, personable man who obviously loves his job.</p>

<p>I received a very personal note that was a response to my essay and made it seem like they truly know who I am. It definitely made me like the school more.</p>

<p>Just curious- did they respond to your common app essay or the CC supplement?</p>

<p>They told my son “your teachers speak of you in superlatives” - so it wasn’t anything he wrote at all.</p>

<p>My son’s note alluded to his CC Block Plan essay by mentioning the opportunities available at CC in the area he discussed. Perhaps that was a polite way of saying, “We already have that on the curriculum”!</p>

<p>@limabean22, they responded to my common app essay… but i think that was only because my common app essay was one of the highest points of my application</p>

<p>they told me “You need to come to CC so you can travel the rest of the world” (I love to travel and do a lot of student exchanges)</p>

i got a note about my common app essay</p>

<p>My son received a nice note from the area admission’s counselor when he was accepted EA, and another one this week following some email correspondence about the upcoming open house and a recent community service recognition he received at his HS.</p>