Does everyone at Wes party?

<p>The brochures say there's lots to do on campus if you're not into partying, but browsing around online makes me not so sure people are interested in those things.
Are there really people (fun, interesting people) who do more low-key social things (movies, dinner, plays, political stuff, hanging out) instead of partying/drinking/drugs? If so, what percentage of the Wes population would you say that is? (Very roughly-- like 30% or like 5%?)
Please answer honestly. All these posts online about people who are excited to go to Wes because of how lax the administration is about alcohol/drugs is scaring me. (Not that want to be holed up in my room for 4 years either).
Thanks so much!!</p>

<p>I think its impossible to get a percentage because a fair amount of people do both... they may party one weekend and watch movies in a dorm and go to a lecture the next weekend. there are definitely people doing each... I wouldnt worry... you sort of fall into place in your "crowd" over the first few weeks. dont worry about a percentage. just know that a fair amount of people dont get wasted every weekend, and there are some who do. whatever you like, it's there.</p>

<p>Thanks :)</p>

<p>Are there any people who avoid the partying scene altogether?
I mean, if most people do both, I couldn't exclusively hang out with them the weekends that they're not partying.</p>

Are there any people who avoid the partying scene altogether?


<p>Yes (there is in fact a program house called "Well Being House" for that very reason). However, I would say that if you want to avoid going to parties like, at all, you will find some people but not a huge number to do that with (though it would be fairly easy to bounce from group to group if that's your style).</p>

<p>Do you want to avoid all parties, or just big ones? There are plenty of people who never go to huge frat or house parties, and instead go to smaller parties in friends' dorms or appartments. Many of these parties have some alchohal, but no pressure to drink and its easy to have fun without drinking.</p>

<p>I guess it depends on the party. If it's being being loud and wild and dancing, that probably wouldn't be my scene. But if the party is just another name for people hanging out in someone's dorm, of course I could do that.</p>

<p>Hahah I feel like I'm being such a downer on this thread. I'm actually not a boring person.</p>

<p>Ok to specify the party genre I'd like at avoid: Eclectic parties</p>

<p>Oh, there are tons of people who never set foot in Eclectic (or Psi U, or Beta, etc).</p>

<p>Oh really? That's such good news, hahah.
I guess the amount that Eclectic parties are talked about is disproportionate to the percentage of students that actually partake in them.</p>

<p>Oh, totally. This is partially because Eclectic doesn't throw that many huge parties, so when they do the people who like that kind of thing, or even just want to try it out, get really excited about it. So, like, you'll definitely be hearing about the Sex party, the Halloween party, and the Valentines Day party, and you’ll probably know some people going…but those are only three parties out of the whole year, and few others will cause a huge buzz, unless they get a particularly cool band (but concerts often have a different vibe than the giant drinking parties anyway). And plenty of people forgo those parties all together, or only go once out of curiosity (I went to the sex party Freshmen year, had an ok time, never bothered to get tickets again).</p>

<p>Yes, those were exactly the ones I had heard about. It definitely seemed like EVERYONE went to the Sex Party (even the people I stayed with at my overnight who seemed pretty studious).
Thanks so much-- this is so reassuring :)
I hope I get in!!</p>

<p>Glad to help :D I won't lie, as a Freshmen you'll probably have a lot of friends wanting to go to the sex party, but there will be some people who don't, and the number of people you know who go will go down a TON after Frehsmen year (plus, as I said, even if that night ends up being boring for you, it's only one night).</p>

<p>You should check out [Wesleying[/url</a>] to get sense of what kind of things go on the weekends (and weeks, for that matter). They haven't been doing weekend roundups recently, but here are a few old ones that I think give you a pretty good sense of what kind of official/organized (and ostensibly alcohol free) things happen on any given weekend. Combine these with the idea of lots of unofficial dorm/house parties and people just plain hanging out or playing music on the hill or whatnot, and you get a pretty good sense of what a Wes weekend might be like:</p>

<p>[url=<a href=""&gt;]Wesleying:&lt;/a> Weekend R-r-r-r-oundup](<a href=""&gt;
Wesleying:</a> Weekend Round-Up<a href="See,%20lots%20of%20things%20to%20do%20other%20than%20the%20sex%20party%20:D">/url</a>
[url=<a href="">]Wesleying:</a> Weekend Roundup

[url=<a href=""&gt;]Wesleying:&lt;/a> This Weekend: On Campus (Feb. 1-Feb. 3)<a href="A%20less%20busy%20weekend,%20as%20those%20do%20happen">/url</a></p>

<p>(Also note that any open event at Alpha Delt will actually be alcohol free, and normally not the kind of thing people pre-game for, which is less true of Eclectic and Psi-U parties). </p>

<p>Anyway, I hope you get in too. Good luck!</p>

<p>Glad to help :D I won't lie, as a Freshmen you'll probably have a lot of friends wanting to go to the sex party, but there will be some people who don't, and the number of people you know who go will go down a TON after Frehsmen year. After all, there are only like, 300 or so tickets to the sex party, and 2,800 people on campus</p>

<p>You should check out [Wesleying[/url</a>] to get sense of what kind of things go on the weekends (and weeks, for that matter). They haven't been doing weekend roundups recently, but here are a few old ones that I think give you a pretty good sense of what kind of official/organized (and ostensibly alcohol free) things happen on any given weekend. Combine these with the idea of lots of unofficial dorm/house parties and people just plain hanging out or playing music on the hill or whatnot, and you get a pretty good sense of what a Wes weekend might be like:</p>

<p>[url=<a href=""&gt;]Wesleying:&lt;/a> Weekend R-r-r-r-oundup](<a href=""&gt;
Wesleying:</a> Weekend Round-Up<a href="See,%20lots%20of%20things%20to%20do%20other%20than%20the%20sex%20party%20:D">/url</a>
[url=<a href="">]Wesleying:</a> Weekend Roundup

[url=<a href=""&gt;]Wesleying:&lt;/a> This Weekend: On Campus (Feb. 1-Feb. 3)<a href="A%20less%20busy%20weekend,%20as%20those%20do%20happen">/url</a></p>

<p>(Also note that any open event at Alpha Delt will actually be alcohol free, and normally not the kind of thing people pre-game for, which is less true of Eclectic and Psi-U parties). </p>

<p>Anyway, I hope you get in too. Good luck!</p>

<p>Wow, thanks!
I had visited Wesleying before actually but had never seen those "Weekend Roundup" things. It does look like there's a good amount to do that isn't too wild.</p>

<p>Thanks again!</p>

<p>hey, im a freshman here.</p>

<p>As for me, I am one of the people who do both. I did go to the Sex Party this year and had a decent time. Like previously said, that party will probably remain the craziest of the year. So don’t worry about too many of those parties popping up. And I have many friends who did not go to the Sex Party, and many who never drink/do drugs, and they have plenty of fun.</p>

<p>There are so many things to do here that it is mind-boggling. And when you can’t find something that suits your needs, you can always just start your own fun. I spend a lot of my nights (procrastinating homework often) hanging down the hall in some of my friends’ rooms. </p>

<p>Actually, the last couple of weekends I haven’t gone to a single real “party” other than random get-togethers in peoples rooms or in the lounge of certain dorms.</p>

<p>“Actually, the last couple of weekends I haven’t gone to a single real “party” other than random get-togethers in peoples rooms or in the lounge of certain dorms.”</p>

<p>Hahah awesome, thanks.</p>


<p>I’m a freshman who isn’t into partying (though I did go to the sex party, which was a pretty miserable time), and there’s no lack of things to do. There are definitely a lot of people that don’t party/drink/smoke, and you shouldn’t have problems finding people to hang out with away from that scene. In any case, there’s going to be more going on in any given weekend than you could feasibly attend, so you shouldn’t lack for non-alcoholic entertainment.</p>

<p>Okay, great, thanks. If I shouldn’t have problems finding those people, that’s all I need to know :)</p>