Does getting and invitation to apply to alumni scholarships mean anything?

<p>I applied to UCB,UCD, UCSC and UCSB, and got and invitation to apply to alumni scholarships from UCB and UCD, my top choices. I was surprised when I read on the UCSC forum that invitations to apply to alumni scholarships were sent. I did not get one, and I dont mean to brag or anything but my stats are higher than the average UCSC admit.
Someone said that they heard from a person who works at UCB that not all 40,000+ applicants get an invitation, and that they have some sort of criteria to decide who gets the email, but getting one does not mean you were accepted.</p>

<p>I’m curious, does getting and invitation mean anything? what do you guys think?</p>

<p>The criteria might mean low income? I’m not sure, but I don’t think it has to do with all academic things. I got those invitations from UCSC, UCD, and UCB, even though I’m not an extraordinary student academics wise; Berkeley would be a big reach for me.</p>

<p>My son last year was invited to apply for some scholarship in the Mechanical Engineering Department at UCB. He decided to try for it, spent a lot of time on it, completed the application, got some good recommendations from his teachers, and submitted it on time. He was not admitted to Berkeley. Which I think is kinda annoying as why have someone spend a lot of time on an application and then not admit them, why not offer them the chance to apply for the scholarship after they were admitted?</p>