<p>Cannot believe I'm going through process this again. A few short years ago my oldest was wait listed at Andover, Exeter, and St. Paul's. Initially he was crushed but bounced back, rededicated himself and reapplied the next year and was accepted at Andover, Exeter, and Peddie. He is currently as Senior at Andover and anxiously awaiting to hear from his ED/EA college applications - but that is an entirely different topic.</p>
<p>Now my daughter is applying to Andover in addition to Milton and Choate. She is a strong student and athlete, very comparable to her big brother. I know all to well how competitive the process is. Does anyone know if having a sibling already at Andover has any impact on her chances? I'm just curious if if in a pool of equally qualified candidates this would have any influence. </p>
<p>Being a Sibling helps a lot. If you are also a full pay, you are probably set.</p>
<p>My SD was a Legacy at a Big/Dream school. K1 applied to her school and got in but he chose a different Big/ Dream/Legacy school. K2 applied to both schools and was accepted but wisely chose a Gem because there isn’t a BS campus big enough for two Photokids
. I’m kidding (kind of) - he chose his school for other reasons. </p>
<p>I do believe Legacy/ Sibling status helps - especially if the student is a strong candidate ( sounds like your daughter is ) and FP. </p>
<p>That said- We always kept our expectations ( for M10) in check and were incredibly guarded. Even though we were reasonably optimistic- each kid applied to 6-10 schools (depending on the kid ). We were also applying from JBS- which (depending on the Class) could land you in an extremely competitive pool for IV Form admissions. My stomach turns just thinking about it.</p>
<p>Good luck to your son! K2 is anxiously awaiting ED news, too. The other two kids are in College now and he’s my last BS kid. Good luck to your daughter, too. I’m sure she’ll do very well. :)</p>