<p>So, my father dropped out of 6th grade and my mother dropped out of high school. They moved from Lebanon to America and then had me. :p </p>
<p>Would this be worth mentioning in an essay/interview and would it be potentially helpful?</p>
<p>So, my father dropped out of 6th grade and my mother dropped out of high school. They moved from Lebanon to America and then had me. :p </p>
<p>Would this be worth mentioning in an essay/interview and would it be potentially helpful?</p>
<p>Of course, thats so easy to answer, colleges love first gen applicants</p>
<p>^Not necessarily true. It will be a moderate boost at best.</p>
<p>Top colleges and some state schools love first gen, most are just looking for those who can pay.</p>
<p>if you have good stats, first gen will give you a small boost as glassesarechic says, and that may be all you need. </p>
<p>MIT for example likes first generation but you need to have MIT competitive stats</p>
<p>*The Institute also has made significant progress in enrolling first-generation college students, who make up 18 percent of the class entering in 2008. *</p>
<p>Wow, I would not expect the percentage to be that large</p>
<p>Oh, good to know.</p>
<p>Out of curiosity though, what stops people who aren’t actually first generation students from putting down that they’re first generation students on their application? How do colleges know??</p>
<p>^ the same thing that stops people from lying about their essays, EC’s, etc. </p>
<p>Also, if any college found out you lied on your application, you can be expelled if you’re still at the college, have your degree revoked if graduated, and sued for all scholarship money.</p>