Does it get better? Or is it still REALLY hard?

<p>Okay so a lot of the lower divs are weeders and they can be tough. But how are the upper-div bio courses, such as IB 131 or the ESPM 100s, or the PH upper div courses?</p>

<p>Are they just as hard to the point where it's best to take a light courseload? </p>

<p>Is it too hard to take the upperdiv bio courses on a 17 unit courseload?</p>

<p>What have you guys heard?</p>

<p>The question, often, has more to do with the student than the course.</p>

<p>It depends on your major. For example, IB 131 is ridiculously easy while MCB 102 is just as hard, if not harder than lower-div requirements.</p>

<p>No… I can’t say that it gets any easier. I’m actually having a harder time with upper-division MCB classes than I did with the lower div ones. The material in upper-div is a lot more in depth and also if you think about it, the weeder classes have already weeded out most of the people who balanced out the low end of those curves…</p>

<p>If you’re thinking about taking a 17 unit courseload, go and talk to the major advisors. They know when your schedule might be too much to handle. Mine warned me about taking MCB 150 with MCB 132 and I wish I had listened better…It can be manageable but you definitely don’t feel any happier or less stressed about your life for it.</p>

<p>It depends on the major for sure, I think. I personally like the advanced math courses better than the lower level ones - generally, if you’re really really getting the material, you’ll get an A. Not much “getting screwed” if you take it with a fair professor (i.e. a fair professor need not still give a brutal curve).</p>

<p>DD took all upper div bio classes this term and had her best grades yet, maybe because she was really interested in the subjects (anatomy lab is very interesting); some classes were very difficult but had amazing profs who made them fascinating and that interest level allowed success grade wise.</p>

<p>^I believe you are a talking about IB 131L. That class is supposed to be as tough as Bio 1AL.</p>

<p>@OP It depends on what classes you are taking. MCB UDs are tough. IB UDs are across the board, but their average is pretty high thanks to easy classes like IB 131 and 132 (though 131L is known to be hard).</p>

<p>Some hard IB courses:
IB C142: Human Osteology
IB 151/L: Plant Physiological Ecology
IB C185: Human Paleontology</p>

<p>I took the last class on that list and I am taking the C142 next semester. C142 and C185 are taught by Prof. Tim White.</p>

<p>for MCB, it depends on the class. There are some relatively easy ones out there, like 100B and 103. On the other hand, classes like 110 and 140 were hard. I felt really drained after the midterms in those classes.</p>