My daughter will be a freshman at WashU this fall. A question to current students (or to their parents): How helpful will a laptop be to her?
A new 15" MacBook Pro costs $2,000. I’d rather not spend that money unless she’ll get plenty of use out of it (not just on Netflix). Do students frequently use them in class, the library, and in lounges? Or are the computer resources that are available on campus typically sufficient?
I am not a student yet, but a laptop is almost a must. I know an engineering major, and he needs a laptop for programs like CAD to do his work. Besides, I don’t think your daughter would want to be stuck in the library/lab all day working on a paper because 1) it can be distracting with a bunch of people 2) it’s inconvenient to have to go to a lab every time she needs a computer
Most people use Macbook air though, which costs around $1000. It really depends on what she’s studying (science vs engineering for example).
If you want a lower price point, consider a Chromebook. They are cheap, fast and reliable, run on the google platform, and it’s easy to share collaborative work with others. They are not as versatile as a Macbook (Chromebook relies primarily on cloud storage) and while you can work on them off line, it’s better to have access to wireless. You can get one for $200 or less.
@mamaedefamilia But ONLY if you are 100% sure the work you need to do is all web-based. For someone going to WashU, I don’t think many people’s studies are purely on chrome or the web. I am a HS senior with a chromebook, and while I do use it a lot, it’s sometimes a pain to use because many files cannot be opened. Basically, if you find yourself needing to use a program, you are in trouble if you have a chromebook. I will be getting an actual laptop for college.