Does it look bad if

<p>my Why Northwestern essay talked mostly about the major i'm interested in and how Northwestern's program for it is good? lol i feel like the essay could have been more general, or rather encompassed more aspects of NU.</p>

<p>Isn’t the prompt something along the lines of “What are the specific qualities of NU that make you want to go there?” Don’t people go to specific colleges based on specific majors and the college’s strength in that major? You are fine. I did something similar. In fact, I’d almost recommend it, because it makes it personal to just yourself. Think how many essays they get that say “I want to go to NU because it is by a beach and it is right in Chicago.”</p>

<p>nope, i’d say you’re fine. good luck!</p>

<p>phew :slight_smile: you’re right RitsIggg, now that i think about it. thanks : ) too!</p>

<p>I kind of talked about everything, including Northwestern’s general qualities…but think about it. They’re not going to read your essay and think “Well, they really seem to like what we can offer for this specific major, but I don’t think they like the SCHOOL.” I wouldn’t worry. =)</p>

<p>haha i hope so. thanks sondosia :]</p>

<p>I talked ALOT about WCAS, so we’re in the same boat. Hope it works. :D</p>