Does it look good to have not even taken the AP class yet and score really high?

<p>ok my question is that this year i took regular chemistry (no honors chem at the school) and did really well and liked the class. next year i'm taking ap chem. but let's say i take the SAT II for Chem at the beginning of next year and score over a 700, will it look good to have done so well on the test after having only taken a regular class?</p>

<p>I did the same for US History</p>

<p>there was only regulars, and I took it, got like an 86 in the class, but took the AP test (think I got a 4 or 5), and probably got 700+ on the SAT II</p>

<p>Do you really think colleges analyze your transcript to this extent??????
Here's what looks good: Take the hardest classes, get all A's, get 5s on every AP exam, 800 on every SAT component and cure world hunger.</p>

<p>i can't solve world hunger but i think i might be able to find a cure to cancer this summer, do you think that will look as good?</p>

<p>sorry, bad joke.</p>

<p>Yes, a lot better than a 700 chem score.</p>

<p>I think it will definetly look good, showing your interest in chem</p>

<p>Eh. Solving for cancer would definitely save a lot of people, but think about it. (Most of) these people have already lived their lives, they've gone through a lot. Now, if you solve for world hunger, you can save a lot of children's lives, and possibly even revive a whole continent. Solve Africa's hunger and they can focus on other things, you know?</p>

<p>(Continuing the bad joke. :D)</p>

<p>Oh my god!!! You got a really good score on a test even though you were in the regular class. Adcoms are NOT going to like that. You should have scored much lower. I think maybe if you had gotten a 450 on the test, then adcoms would give you a litttle chance. A 200 would be your best bet.</p>

<p>(the bad joke continues)</p>

<p>Yeah, you see, Harvard, for example, rejects half of 200 scorers. Usually no one that has more than 250 gets in.
But you can slightly help yourself. For example, you can take Reg. Chem again and then try to get <230 on SAT. This will show your initiative and if you had excuses for this score, say, you're born with knowledge of Chemistry impailed into your DNA then yes, maybe, adcoms will excuse you.</p>

<p>ok you guys just took it waaaaaaaaay too far lol</p>

<p>I don't know if you can even continue posting here. I mean you have no chance of getting in anywhere. With scores over a 700 on subjects learned from a regular curriculum, colleges will only see unappreaciation of what your school has taught you. How dare you excel past your school's standards?!!! What are you thinking?!!!! I'd just give up now and try to get a job at starbucks. At your rate, I don't know if even a place like starbucks will take you.</p>

<p>SAT II tests are meant to be taken after regular, high-school level classes so unfortunately you did not do anything special.</p>

<p>I kinda agree with 1337 now that I think of it</p>