Does it matter when I take my class?

<p>Hi, I'm just wondering, sorry for not really digging information, about if it matters when I take a key course for my major. I'm doing an engineering major and Assist says I need to take a certain chemistry class (Chem 111A, I know it doesn't matter) and eventually 111B. Would it matter if I was to put it off to Fall '09? I ask this because that would mean I have no Chem grades on my transcript. Also I don't really want to take a 6.5 hour class every day in the summer. Also side question, how is it bad to get Ws in those "key" classes once, but have like 6 of them?</p>

<p>Are you applying for fall transfer 2010? Because if so, doing your prereq in the fall of 2009 wouldn’t be a problem because you will have to update those grades with them before any decisions are made anyway.</p>

<p>Hopefully this helps.</p>

<p>I think the Fall before you transfer is key.</p>


Agreed. It depends when you are applying to transfer. If you get the Pre-Reqs done by Spring, I’m sure that it won’t be put against you at all. [:</p>

<p>About the W’s…there is a recent thread…[: </p>

<p>Best of luck.</p>