Does it matter when I take Physics Honors or AP Environmental Science?

I’m a sophomore student in California and looking to go to college in the University of California System.

By the end of March, I’m suppose to pick out all of my courses for junior year.
My original plan was to take AP Environmental Science junior year (next year) and Physics Honors senior year
Instead, my guidance counselor recommended me to switch them around and take APES senior year(in two years) and physics honors next year.
She seemed reluctant about letting me go along with my original plan so I didn’t say anything.

QUESTION: Soo… Does it matter when I take Physics Honors or AP Environmental Science?
Whats wrong with taking APES next year and Physics Honors senior year?

Let me just say that I REALLY want to take AP Environmental Science. I’m a nature type of guy (cross country runner here) and the topics in this class are really interesting! I’m also not alone, a handful of my friends want to take APES as well, and they’ve all been told the same thing.

If it helps, here are the other classes that I’m taking: American Lit H, PreCalc H, APUSH, French 3

-Thank you!

No it doesn’t matter. Take what you want when you want. Both my son’s took APES Sophomore yer and their Physics class Senior year.

It doesn’t matter. Your counselor may be concerned that you’re “dropping” from AP to honors, but as long as you’re taking the hardest curriculum available to you you’re fine. You don’t even need the hardest curriculum available for most of the UCs.

Before you take physics, double check it is a “UC recognized” honors class. I haven’t heard of honors physics that wasn’t but I’ve seen it with other honors classes.

It doesn’t matter, since they’re both weighted in the UC GPA.

If you are thinking of engineering at a UC, you should take the honors physics in the junior year and then the AP physics in your senior year. If you are thinking of the health profession (medical, pharmacy, optometry, dental, etc.) at a UC, you should take the physics your junior year too. Either way, you can still take the AP environmental science in your senior year.