<p>does it matter where u get ur bachelors? i spoke to all my counclers they told me as long as ur in an ok 4 year institution and getting good grades thats all that should matter because whats important is where u get ur masters. seriously some of you want to get into an ivy now and i wonder why? i guess i was not fortunate to live under a wealthy family, personally its a waste of money. what matters is where u get ur masters, it would be kinda silly to go to MIT get a 2.4 gpa and pay a 100 g's for tuition. i mean i got to UMBC, alright college, not harvard, but if i get out with a 3.8 and above with ecs im almost guarenteed. w/e this is my opinion what do you guys think?</p>
<p>Two things</p>
<li>Where you get your bachelors can be a determining factor in where you get your masters
2.Not everyone goes on to get their masters</li>
<p>almost guranteed for what?</p>
<p>really depends on your major and career objectives.</p>
<p>I think that as long as you're happy in college, it doesn't matter where you are.</p>