<p>I just finished sophomore year and I did really bad.</p>
<p>Korean 3 A-/A-
PreCalculus H D+/C+
World History H A-/A-
Chemistry H B/B
English 2H B-/B-
Golf A/A+</p>
<p>I can live with my B's but the D+ and the C+ are just things I am killing myself over. I don't know..it's the tests. They just mess with my brain... Anyways, I did something with my counselor so that I can retake my D+ (first semester) during junior year but that C+ is something I have to keep or double register for, which I'm not sure will fit in with Golf.</p>
<p>If I just keep the C+ will that hurt my chances of getting into UC Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD, and UC Irvine?</p>
<p>*This is all considering that I somehow stepped it up junior year and got mostly A's and some B's.</p>
<p>Here is some extra information:
Varsity Golf (junior and senior)
In the process of making a club
Red Cross
Interact (Secretary)
I do MMA and have gone in tournaments (if that is relevant)
Volunteer at local hospital (It will be about 250 hours by end of senior year)
SAT= 1900
<p>What do you recommend I do in order to make up for that C+?</p>