Does my college list look reasonable?

<p>I originally posted this on the College Search and Selection forum, but you always give such good advice. :) </p>

<p>I'm in the final stages of deciding which colleges to apply to, and I was wondering if anyone could take a look at my list to determine if it looks reasonable. I'm a white female nonathlete nonlegacy Swedish citizen attending a private international high school in Washington, DC, where I am completing a bilingual IB Diploma in English and French.</p>

IB Chemistry HL
IB English A1 HL
IB French A1 HL
IB Biology SL
IB Mathematics SL
IB History SL
Theory of Knowledge

GPA: 6.3 out of 7 where 6=A- and 7=A+
PSAT: 232
SAT I: 2270 (800CR, 760M, 710W)
SAT IIs: 800 (French), 750 (Literature), 700 (Math II), 680 (Biology-M, retaking), 650 (Chemistry, retaking)</p>

*School newspaper (9-12): News & Features Editor, Photography Editor; the newspaper has received the Columbia Scholastic Press Association gold medal every year during this time
*Photography (10-12): Taking courses at a local darkroom 3.5 hours/week, featured in a local exhibition of student photographers two years in a row, lots of independent work, sending a portfolio
*Equestrian (1-12): 10+ years but not competitively (horse shows are expensive!), worked 40 hours/week as an instructor at riding camp for a month this summer
*Volunteering at a local hospital (12): 15 hours/week for a month this summer (while I was working), 4 hours/week during the year
*Amnesty International (12): Head of corporate accountability campaign (one of three issues that we are working on this year)
*Model UN (12)
*Chemistry tutor (paid) (11-12)
*Yearbook (9-10)
*Self-studying Spanish
*misc. art, writing, crafts, cooking, etc that does not serve any purpose or fit on a resum</p>

<p>I'm a little confused. Is merit money an issue? You imply it is, but don't actually say so, and your list does not reflect a need for merit money. Your list looks pretty good to me, although I'm wondering what Macalester is doing on there, since it's geographically dissimiliar to the rest of your list.</p>

<p>I see no reason to retake the bio and chem SAT2s. You have three good SAT2s and your SATs are excellent.</p>

<p>To me, none of the schools look like safeties for most kids. But with your stats, maybe. I guess I'm overly conservative, but I'd add in a "safer" safety, still a bit less selective than your list, because it doesn't sound like you really want the Swedish university option.</p>

<p>Money in general is an issue, but I think I can get by on need-based. Princeton's financial aid calculator gave us an EFC of $4-5k, which I found surprising because we could probably manage up to $10-15k per year without taking out any significant loans (and if that's not enough the Swedish government offers student loans with relatively low interest). </p>

<p>Macalester is on the list because it fits what I'm looking for in terms of size, climate, and general culture (based on what I've read, at least; I haven't had a chance to visit), because I needed schools that weren't reaches, and because of its emphasis on internationalism.</p>

<p>I wanted to retake bio and chem because the first time I took them I really didn't study much at all, and some of the questions on the tests were on topics that my classes at school hadn't even covered yet (the IB courses spread the material over two years, and we still hadn't looked at some of the things that were on the tests). I'm probably being too much of a perfectionist, but I know that I could raise both of those scores to somewhere in the 700s with very little additional effort, and even though it isn't strictly necessary it just feels like I might as well.</p>

<p>If you like Bryn Mawr, go for it. You might want to PM Hanna, though, who found it too limiting after one or two years and transferred to Harvard (of course, everyone is different, so her concerns might not be yours).</p>

<p>Also, will you be able to explain why Brown and why Chicago when they are at the opposite end of the spectrum in terms of curricular requirements?</p>

<p>I'm not too concerned with the differences in curricular requirements because I know that wherever I go I'll end up taking courses in a variety of subjects regardless of core classes or distribution requirements (and I'm not looking for a way around, say, math or foreign language)... I want a well-rounded education, and there are many ways to accomplish that, whether it be Chicago's core curriculum or Brown's do-what-you-want approach. At least that's been my reasoning.</p>

<p>Check Amherst's equestrian program. I understand that your horse has to be registered even before you are accepted. Check to see if the school pays for everything, since you are competing for the school.</p>

<p>I don't actually own a horse, but thanks for the heads up :)</p>

<p>Your stats are excellent, and your school lists are fine except I disagree about safeties. First of all as a non citizen, you are not entitled to most government money even if you show need for financial aid. I am assuming that you do since you are coming from a private school. If aid is an important component of your college requirements, you do need do take a deep breath, and start looking at some financial safeties for yourself. </p>

<p>You see, though most of the schools you have selected are need blind, they are need blind only for non internationals. So you have that obstacle if you need financial aid. Not to say that they do not give internationals financial aid; they do so on a much more limited basis and will turn down those who they cannot fund or not give 100% need. </p>

<p>If you are looking for merit money, your list is not reflective of this at all since most of the schools on that list give need only money. I am not sure which ones still have some merit awards, but rest be assured, even those that do, have very few scholarships. If you need or want merit awards, you need to research a whole different category of schools. Though your stats are excellent for admissions at many top schools, it becomes a whole different story for getting $$$ from those very selective schools, since only the best of the best in that group get merit money. That group includes schools like Duke, Uof Ch, UVA, UNC, Vanderbilt, Smith, Emory, UMiami, WakeForest,Davidson, Johns Hopkins, Rice. Some of these schools requires your highschool's nomination for their top awards and separate applications along with early submissions so you need to get moving fast to get the info and the paper work done in time for consideratation. It has been my experience that the more expensive private schools are weak in the financial aid and merit award area. I have known a number who contract that service out since their excellent college counselors are not as up in that area as they are in getting kids into schools that are good matches for them. I am confused about the remark about OOS public unis, as their prices do tend to be less than any of those private schools on your list even as an out of state, non citizen applicant, and you would be eligible for merit awards at many state schools. The exceptions are again, as with the private schools, the top state school where the out of state tuitions rival those of private unis. </p>

<p>If you NEED money to go to college, you need to rethink your list. If you truly cannot afford Brown with scholarship money, you need to know that A)Brown is not need blind for international students B) Brown does not give merit awards; only need based. Even Wellesley, you "safety" does not give a dime for merit awards out side of need, and I don't know if they separately assess Internationals with need. Smith would, therefore be a better choice for you, but be aware only a measly 4%, their most desired 4% of students. get merit money with the average award about $10K, a mere dent in the $45K cost of Smith as well as the other schools on your list.</p>

<p>If you absolutely need money to go to college, your best bet is to look at far less selective school. What are called the 3rd or 4th tier schools, as financial safeties. Where you would be one of the absolute top candidates for admissions. There are a few "name" schools that give great merit awards, less competitive than what I mentioned, but again, the big awards are tough to get. Lafayette, Tulane,Rhodes College, Grinnell, Denison,DePauw,George Washington,Case Western, and many of the smaller Catholic schools are some avenues for you to research. Your best source for this info is the USN&WR Ultimate Guide. In the first 200 pages there is a section that breaks down financial awards, including merit money, with the % of kids getting merit money, and the average award. It may be an eye opener for you. None of the schools I have listed are financial safeties for you. Depending on your budgets, inexpensive state schools like James Madison, Mary Washington, College of Charleston, SUNY would be a good bet even with out of state, international status. Inexpensive schools like Grove City, York are also possibilities. You are likely to get a merit award on top of the low tuition to make these schools even more affordable for you.</p>

<p>Your stats, with the exception of SATII, are similar to my D's, who is now at Amherst. She also applied to many of the palces in your list. Your first five colleges/universities belong to a group that are hard to predict as many highly qualified applicants failed to gain admission. Being a polyglot and lived in so many countries will give you a tremendous advantage in interviews. Amherst does not grant interviews, and you will have to impress them with your assay. Swarthmore gives out a very limited number of merit scholarships, but my sense is that your chance is small. </p>

<p>You should have little difficulty in your second and third tier list. A limited number of merit aids are also available from Chicago and Bryn Mawr. But agin, the number is so small that I would not count on it if I were in your position. My D won one from Bryn Mawr. </p>

<p>I agree that you should retake your SATII. For your first tier schools, you need to bring them up to high 700's. </p>

<p>I don't know much about need-based aids, especially for someone like you. What you need to do is to talk, in person, with the financial aid office. Since you seem to attend a private high school here, it is hard to play that you have limited resource.</p>

<p>There are a few good schools that are a tier below your list (except Macalister) that may grant you a "full ride". </p>

<p>Best of luck</p>

<p>cptofthehouse, thanks for your detailed post. :)</p>

<p>I don't know if you saw this, but I also wrote,
Money in general is an issue, but I think I can get by on need-based. Princeton's financial aid calculator gave us an EFC of $4-5k, which I found surprising because we could probably manage up to $10-15k per year without taking out any significant loans (and if that's not enough the Swedish government offers student loans with relatively low interest). </p>

<p>So in other words, although I won't be able to pay full tuition, need-based aid will probably be enough. Middlebury and Williams are both need-blind for international students (I hate describing myself that way because I really don't identify as one!!), and Macalester is supposed to be international-friendly even if they do take need into consideration. For the others, it is my understanding that although they may consider need in admissions, they do offer adequate financial aid packages to those admitted. </p>

<p>I hope I don't sound too defensive; you've made many good points and it's something I do need to consider.</p>


I should probably have explained this earlier, but the only reason I attend private school here is that my parents' employer pays for education through 12th grade (but no further). We don't actually pay tuition.</p>

<p>You do not sound defensive at all, Camelia. In fact, I think you have a nice, mellow tone to your posts. I'm glad that you have considered your international status for need based aid. I still think you should throw in a good financial safety, and replace Wellesely with Smith, and Brown with Vanderbilt. By doing that, you will have increased your chances quite a bit in getting merit money.</p>