<p>All of the colleges I'm looking at are extremely selective (Brown, Vassar, Cornell, Amherst, Duke, Dartmouth) and I'm worried that despite my impressive test scores and EC's (at I least I think/hope they're impressive), my relatively low GPA might ruin things for me.</p>
<p>I like to think it's relatively low primarily because my freshman and sophomore year, I didn't have the accommodations plan I have now--because of my ADHD and anxiety disorder, I get extra time on tests and quizzes when I need it. I was given the accommodation plan at the start of my junior year, and my grades skyrocketed.</p>
<p>My progression is something like this:
freshman: 3.44uw, 3.6w
sophomore: 3.45uw, 3.6uw
junior: 3.75uw, 4.31w
I'm not sure if I should mention this somewhere in my application or not.</p>
<p>Anyway, here are my stats:</p>
<p>-GPA: 3.56uw
-SAT: M 720, CR 740, W 740, Total: 2200
-PSAT: National Merit
-Subject tests: Lit-660, USH-720
-Taking as many AP's and honors as my school will allow me to take (11 honors, 5 AP)
-AP Lang: 5
-APUSH: 4</p>
<p>-White male from Arizona, family makes <60k
-Prestigious college preparatory
-School does not rank, but I'm in the 'Summa Cum Laude' program- the most regarded, most competitive diploma, which is typically a good indicator of top 10%
-Prospective major is philosophy/neuroscience</p>
<p>-Founder and president of Philosophy Club
-Vice president of Politics Club
-Diversity/International Club board member; went with the club on a three-day 'cultural exchange' trip to our sister school in Kingston, Ontario, Canada
-"Friends of the Orphans" Club President; went on an 8-day volunteer trip to an orphanage in Mexico in March; went back for another 8 days in July
-Over 100 hours community service</p>
<p>-3 years varsity track for school
-Scholar-Athlete Award
-Club track during the summer and off season (Track Athlete Year Round)
-Qualified for and placed 27th overall in the USATF Junior Olympics National Championship for 110m hurdles (basically nationals for club track) (regionals came before this)
-Very good recommendations
-Past employment as a lifeguard</p>