Does my mid-year report screw me over?

<p>Let me first say that I've never made a "B" in my first three years. My weighted GPA is a 4.083 and unweighted is 4.0. However, I may have screwed myself due to my first semester grades. The first 9 weeks I got all A's, with the exception of an 89 in AP Biology. The second 9 weeks I got 6 A's...1 B (87 or 88 in AP Euro) and a 60 in AP bio.</p>

<p>Yes. A 60...which means I'll have a 75 average for the first semester. If I get 85's the next two semesters (which is possible and I can do it), then I'll have a B average.</p>

<p>However I'm just really worried that my mid-year report will kill me and I'll be an automatic REJECT because it probably appears that I have senioritus.</p>

<p>In my defense, I have 4 AP classes this year and we're on a new schedule called "A/B Block". It's like college in that you take classes every other day...however instead of 2 classes a day, we have 4. So we're taking 8 classes at once. The past 3 years we've done regular block where we take 4 classes per semester, which, in my opinion, is fair to the student. 8 classes at once with half of them being AP's is rigorous. However, I do acknowledge the fact that a 60 is unacceptable.</p>

<p>I'm worried! Anyway, here is the rest of my stats from a past "chance thread".</p>

<p>Chance me again!</p>


<p>General: Rising Senior, Male, Alabama.</p>

<p>Ethnicity: White.</p>

<p>Career Interests: Dentistry, culinary arts, broadcasting, Spanish (not as a career, but if I double majored). </p>

<p>School Info: Our school first opened in 2005 when I was a Freshman. I'll be apart of the first four-year graduating class. My school became an IB school this past year, however, you have to be a Freshman when you begin the IB program, so I wasn't able to participate in the program.</p>

<p>School Stats: GPA: 4.0 Unweighted. 4.083 Weighted. This year was the first year we could take APs, and I got an A in both of those classes (AP US/AP 11 English). Senior year I should have 4 AP classes, and an honors Spanish 5 class which'll be on a 4.5 scale? lol. That's just what my Spanish teacher told me. Anyway, If I get all A's again, I should complete high school with just over a 4.2 weighted GPA. Toughest courseload offered.</p>

<p>Rank: 1/200+ (not sure on exact #, obviously).</p>

30 on ACT.</p>

-National Honor Society (1 year; Senior year)
-National Spanish Honors Society
-Spanish Club President (4 years; President - Senior year)
-School Webmaster (1 year; Senior year)
-Varsity football Quarterback. (Freshman year we just worked out because we didn't get a coaching staff in time. Sophomore year I was the Varsity backup (although I did play in some Varsity games), started JV and was the captain of JV. Junior year, I was the starter and team captain and was second on the team in touchdowns---only behind our all-metro WR/RB. Senior year...I doubt I'll play. All of our coaches were fired and I knew back in November that I was done. I worked harder than anyone, and I was just sick of the BS. I was no longer happy playing, so I will just move on. Yeah, the attention that goes along with being the quarterback is cool, but that's not what matters. Happiness matters, not highschool "fame".
-I had a Private quarterback coach for football for 2 years. I would go to school from 8-3:10. Football practice from 3:30 to sometimes 6:30, and then a two hour session with private QB coach after that. I did that in the football season and in the summer for 3-4 times a week.
-Art. I placed 3rd in state for a 2D art contest. I also got honorable mention in state for this "Post-Card" contest.
-Quiz Bowl (2 years - fresh year we didn't have it, soph year I did it, this past year I tried to do it but it was SO unorganized, and I'm going to do it Senior year).
-A college preparation website for highschool students (Coming Soon still under construction)
-If I don't play football, I'm either going to do Mixed Martial Arts, play Piano, or play Baseball or Soccer in the spring. A job is a possibility, as well as getting a trainer at the gym (lol, only feels right considering I won't be playing football).</p>

<p>Community Service:
-This summer I got around 150-200 hours with Big Brothers, Big Sisters. I've gotten around 70 at my Uncle's golf course, and another 10 or so with Spanish-club related stuff.</p>

-Letter from the Mayor acknowledging my achievements in highschool due to seeing me featured in the newspaper.
-Principal's Award.
-A honor roll.</p>

<h2>-As stated before, 3rd in state in 2D art competition, honorable mention in another contest, and 2nd in state in this QuizBowl-esque thing for this Spanish competition (same event that I won 3rd in state in for Art). </h2>

<p>Chance me for RD.</p>

<p>do you have any colleges in mind?</p>

<p>Oh. Sorry about that.</p>

<p>Vanderbilt, Cornell and Notre Dame.</p>

<p>valedictorian…and like this is your first screw up? i dont think it’s a problem. everyone is entitled to one bad grade on their transcript</p>

<p>except with the 60 he probably wont be val anymore…</p>

<p>but still, i wouldn’t worry about it.</p>

<p>Thanks for your posts.</p>



<p>Bump again.</p>


<p>dont worry about it. its AP bio, everyone knows its difficult.
my school changed to that schedule last year and it is almost impossible to do well with if you take a lot of APs. just make sure to get it back up… a B will be fine for the year.</p>




<p>I pulled down my pants and I noticed a…</p>


<p>lol a 60 in bio and you’re valed… A 30 in your ACT isn’t the greatest score, and I assume that you’re in a VERY easy school. </p>

<p>Your mid-year school report won’t screw you up too much</p>

<p>I’m currently #1. Doesn’t mean I will end up #1. </p>

<p>It’s a new school, and in comparison to a lot of schools…yes, it isn’t that competitive.</p>

<p>I think your a good match for Notre Dame and Vandy, Vandy really looks at class rank, so as long as you remain in the top 5 percent of your class you have a good chance…</p>

<p>For cornell, it depends on what college you are applying to…If its arts and science, its going to be compietive but you have a good chance, can’t say for sure though since it is cornell…</p>

<p>Thanks ftx.</p>

<p>The lowest I’ll drop rank wise will be to #3, but that will be in May after we’ve passed all of our classes.</p>



<p>bump againnn</p>