Does my son have a shot?

<p>My son likes UW, despite the fact that he lives in Fort Lauderdale and has not yet seen the campus. Can you tell me whether he has a good chance of getting admitted? He has a weighted GPA of 4.0, but his GPA in academic courses is only 3.2. His SAT score is 2030/2400. His EC's revolve around theater and he is a founding member of an Improv Comedy group that has been invited to several major Improv Festivals (Chicago, NYC, Miami). </p>

<p>Does he have a shot? If he doesn't, then I would rather use the travel money elsewhere. </p>

<p>Thank you for your honesty.</p>

<p>A fair shot. If he can get at least a 3.5 in the Fall he’d move to a good shot.</p>

<p>Thanks for the word. He seems more focussed on his academic career lately. He has several friends that are off to college this Fall and I think that he is finally seeing that his actions/performance have consequences.</p>

<p>I should add that he wants to major in Creative Writing and eventually go to graduate Film school. He is also a candidate for Hispanic Merit Scholarship. I don’t know if UW is looking for Hispanics.</p>

<p>Yup, the SAT score is definitely good enough to get in. If he just raises his GPA a little bit he’d definitely have a very good chance of getting in.</p>

<p>Yes, UW is recruiting Hispanics and I think that markedly improves his chances.</p>

<p>Thank you, barrons, for the positive reinforcement. I have never played the “ethnic card.” However, I’ll use it, if it gets my son into a great university like UW.</p>

<p>Your son might want to contact the following person. I think he does minority recruitment.</p>

Mailing address Armory & Gymnasium
716 Langdon St
Madison, WI 53706
Phone (608) 262-2269
Email <a href=“”></a></p>

<p>barrons, you are a phenomenal resource. Thank you.</p>

<p>BTW barrons, I hope you don’t mind me asking. How do you know so much about UW?</p>

<p>Went there. Study it like a hobby. Work as alumni admissions rep so I try to stay current. And I’m Hispanic so I have a soft spot for others looking at a school like UW.</p>

<p>etherdome, definitely contact Carlos Reyes, he recruited me to the UW 20 years ago and my son this past year (we’re Nat.Amer.). If your son lets Carlos know any of enthusiasm for the UW in particular he will both be very helpful and direct your son to accomplish what he needs to get into the best school for him.</p>

<p>wildpeace (I like your name), thank you. My son will contact Mr Reyes.</p>

<p>I think his chances are below average, even looking at my own chances ( but lower test score). Was surprised today that I just got mail from UW-Madison, was reviewing the school today wondering when do applications open so I can know when to start on it and submit after re-taking the next ACT or SAT. Still surprised I got mail from the university, though now I assume it may be due to me sending them my ACT score and they know I have high interest in the school.</p>

<p>The online application form becomes available on September 1st, and can be submitted beginning September 15th.</p>

<p>Improving grades are definitely in your favor. Remember the key isn’t just getting in but staying in- getting the best knowledge base possible and learning how to study will prepare for the rigors of college. The chance of going to a dream school can be motivating- good luck.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the advice. My son e-mailed Mr Reyes and is waiting for a reply.</p>

<p>By the way, etherdome, I got into UW with about a ~3.3 unweighted GPA and a 2050 SAT score, and without as many extracurriculars. Just as a reference.</p>