Does NAVIANCE has the SAT JAN 2010 scores already? Somone claims they have the scores

<p>What is this site? Is it free? Can I register with NAVIANCE to see my score? Any 411 on Naviance?</p>

<p>My scores aren’t on naviance.</p>

<p>And you can’t register by yourself, it’s a whole process that has to be done by your college advising counselor. </p>

<p>Idk; that person may be telling the truth, but it’s not on my naviance nor any of my friends’.</p>

<p>It’s not on my naviance, however it’s on a bunch of other people’s. One reason might be that we’re snowed in on the east coast, and midwesterners are getting their scores already.</p>



<p>No, don’t worry; that’s not true.</p>

<p>As for Naviance, it must be both something that your school subscribes to and a particular version that allows the College Board to post scores directly to your profile.</p>

<p>Yes, they are probably telling the truth. At my school, all of the juniors’ january sat scores were posted today on naviance. The seniors’ haven’t though, so I’m still waiting :(</p>

<p>yea mine are on naviance.</p>

<p>tell us the curves</p>





<p>10 char .</p>

<p>For my naviance I have to put in MY OWN SAT scores so I think it depends on how your district does it.</p>

<p>how many wrong for each?</p>

<p>I’m going to guess for kp217:</p>

<p>Math: -1 (raw score)=770
CR: -7 (raw score)=730 (But CR could have been -6(raw)=730 too)</p>

<p>I got 2 confirmed math wrong. I guess that’s 750/740. 3 wrong and it’ll be like 710-730…</p>

<p>I’m with hopefullybrown15. I have to edit and enter all of my scores, which leads me to believe that my county has no power over when my scores appear. I’d have to agree with the above posters and say that each county has different regulations for their own, personal naviance program.</p>

<p>2 wrong would be 750.
3 wrong would be 710.</p>

<p>Oh how do you know exactly? And is that 3 wrong a raw score of -4? or is that -3</p>

<p>I’m basing my guesses on previous curves and the one score that was reported. 3 wrong would correlate to a -4 raw score so thats why I predicted 710.</p>

<p>I got one omit, and one wrong for sure. so if I get one more careless, it’s -3… hopefully thats not a 710 and a 730 instead…</p>

<p>You’re right. If you omitted one, it would be -3 and would therefore equal 730.</p>

<p>My naviance doesn’t have test scores on them. ??? I always wonder, don’t seniors need to know their scores first? lol</p>

<p>Oh…the curve is harsh</p>