Does NAVIANCE has the SAT JAN 2010 scores already? Somone claims they have the scores

<p>What’s the writing/math curve?</p>

<p>Ha, I’d rather not know. lol</p>

<p>got a 2400, </p>

<p>1 wrong on critical reading
perfect on math
1 wrong on writing and an essay of 11</p>

<p>you jelly?</p>

<p>Considering that this is an internet forum where anyone could post the stats you just did, I, personally, wouldn’t say I’m jealous, no.</p>

<p>Did you really sign up just to post that? Really?</p>

<p>I bet this was exactly the reaction you wanted.</p>

<p>i envy that fact that you have no life making a fake account to post fake scores.</p>

<p>the best part is that it’s all true
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<p>congrats you beat me by a few points.</p>


Why do I see a -2 CR then?</p>