Does NYU place heavy emphasis on grade 10 & 11 marks?

<p>I'm smart, but I did poorly in grade 10&11 and could not continue taking AP classes due to a sibling of mine having cancer. </p>

<p>So, in grade 10&11 my average was only about 80%. In Canada we don't use GPA a whole lot so I can't tell you what my GPA was.. Because of my families medical issues, I had to do correspondents for a while and because of that I wasn't able to do any of AP courses. I also didn't have time to volunteer and such.</p>

<p>But, I just started g12 now, and am willing to WORK. If I get above 90% on all of my grade 12 courses, do great on SATs and ACT, write a great essay/do a great interview, and clock in some hours at the cancer hospital I'm at, do I have a chance of getting into NYU college of art & sciences? It has always been my absolute dream, life kind of side tracked me for a while, but I feel ready to pursue this again. </p>

<p>I would really love some advice and help! <3
Thank you</p>

<p>Sorry but those are your most crucial years of high school in terms of GPA. Maybe you could incorporate your story of your sibling in an essay but other than that, there’s not much you can do. And just a note, NYU doesn’t do any interviews.</p>