Does Olin consider demonstrated interest?

I can’t find a common data set for Olin. Does anyone know if they take demonstrated interest into account when choosing candidates?

Has your child demonstrated interest by visiting the campus, requesting an overnight stay with students, etc.? I don’t know for certain if it is indeed a factor, but I think it does help.

That is a tough one for us. We opted not to visit, just did a local interview in Texas with Dean Nolen. The way I looked at it, if you make the first cut, you have to visit campus during CW. We didn’t want to make visits to all these highly competitive schools until we had more information (even acceptance for some).

I never visited or demonstrated any interest (though I do live far away, in Hawaii), and I was invited to Candidates’ Weekend this year.

I would also add that if money poses an obstacle for visiting, Olin does offer to reimburse some of your travel expenses for Candidates’ Weekend. For those in Hawaii (me), Alaska, and Western Canada, it’s $450. For the mainland west of the Mississippi, $250. Other international is $750. If that’s still not enough for your family, you can contact the Dean of Admission and explain your situation.