Does P/NP count towards GPA?

<p>When I'm calculating total GPA, I know that I add up the GPA of all individual classes that are not P/NP and then divide by the total number of units. However, when I am dividing by the total number of units, do I include the 1-2 units of P/NP as well?</p>

<p>nope .</p>

<p>P/NP doesn’t count toward GPA</p>

<p>Those units are not graded, therefore you do not add them in when determining GPA.</p>

<p>There are only two situations where P/NP makes any difference to your GPA at all: LSDAS counts NP as an F on the application; you cannot graduate with honors (in L&S) if you have an NP, regardless of your GPA.</p>