Does pre-AP count as AP

<p>I was wondering does pre-AP classes count the same as AP classes because I took pre-AP classes from when I was a freshman. Now I am an upcoming junior and I am about to take AP classes will those pre-AP classes count the same on my transcript or to colleges for that matter.</p>

<p>If you took the AP test with them then I'd say they were, but if not then I'd guess not lol.</p>

<p>Pre-AP classes are somewhat called of honors classes at most schools.</p>

<p>Pre-Ap Classes aren't counted as AP Classes to colleges or your GPA.</p>

<p>pre-AP is just a way for your school to make you feel special, when all it is, is just an honors class, which doesn't prepare you for the AP exam. so therefore, it isn't AP. it is a sad attempt by a school to make people feel special.</p>

anything other than straight AP=not AP.</p>

<p>simple as that.</p>


<p>yes..... why is this an argument? why would Pre-AP mean AP? it means preliminary AP.....preparation for AP...not why is there even discussion on this....Pre-AP does not say why would tha be AP? so what do u mean "no...."</p>


<p>You are wrong.</p>

<p>River is right...Pre-Ap =honors. Schools just use the term to make it sound super smart. I honestly think honors sounds better.</p>

<p>if you think i'm wrong. tell me why. give your reasons why. don't just say i'm wrong and nothing else.</p>

<p>Hey! Pre-AP sounds better :)</p>

<p>It really doesn't. The "Pre" ruins</p>

<p>Pre-AP counts as Pre-AP though.</p>



<p>No, Pre-AP does not equal AP.</p>

<p>Common sense, kiddies.</p>

<p>hmmm but I did take AP History and Human Geography classes(took AP tests also) before I became a junior</p>

<p>Good job then, as long as you take an AP test, you have an 'AP' credit. Infact, you don't even have to take the AP Class to take the AP test.</p>

<p>It's sorta like a pre-teen (10 year old) just isn't a teenager.</p>

<p>It's called Tween you LOSER lol</p>

<p>Main Entry: 1pre·teen
Pronunciation: 'prE-'tEn, -"tEn
Function: noun
: a boy or girl not yet 13 years old </p>

<p>pre-teen is the actual term for those younger than 13. Tween is a slang term. So it can really be called either one, but pre-teen is the more appropriate term for this analogy.</p>