<p>Does he curve your final grade for MMW2?</p>
<p>jeez why read the thread if ur not gonna respond</p>
<p>You don’t need to be rude. As far as I know, none of the MMW professors curve anything. I was in MMW for 6 quarters and nothing was ever curved for me, Herbst is supposedly one of the harder professors so I doubt he would do that.</p>
<p>I had Herbst for MMW 4. No curve.</p>
<p>Professor Jordan had an epic curve for MMW 1, but that class was ridiculous and far harder than the other MMW 1 track (and I say this as someone who got an A). MMW 2 has a far smaller disparity in difficulty.</p>
<p>Yes.^ As a future reference to anyone who may be reading this… MMW is not designed to make your life easier by adding curves and whatnot. It sucks, but I truly believe they make it as hard as possible. I’ve never had to spend as much time on papers in my upper div classes as I did for MMW, making photocopies, highlighting, writing 18 drafts of the same paper to turn in weekly, etc. etc. The list goes on. But it does force you to be disciplined and for most people, it teaches you how to write decently.</p>
<p>sorry for souding rude but i just hated seeing so many views and no replies…</p>
<p>thanks for the replies</p>
<p>^ maybe other people were interested in seeing if professor herbst curves your final grade. no need to be a dick about it.</p>
<p>That’s why I said I was sorry ■■■■■■</p>
<p>Wow, so you’re rude, entitled, socially incompetent, and homophobic! All very attractive qualities. I’m sure you do really well with the ladies.</p>
<p>Keep hating son</p>
<p>Keep hating son. aahahhahaha! really bro?</p>
<p>Oh come on guise, fighting here at CC? lets keep this place polite…ya?
Anyways, what subtle_overlord said, Prof. Herbst does not curve! and NO MMW course is curved at all. Just have fun writin those papers, its really not that bad. If you seriously hate it to death, take it during summer and get done with it, IMHO its easier over summer but a little hectic Good Luck</p>