I was just wondering if having a bunch of programming experience helps in college admissions. I haven’t done anything for college admissions; I’m just wondering if it would help.
I know a couple languages like Javascript, JQuery, HTML, CSS, C#, SQL, asp.net, and I also know RDBMS concepts. I am also a Microsoft Certified Developer in JS, HTML, and CSS (it’s a microsoft certification you get after taking a test). I was certified for that at the beginning of my freshman year. Would getting additional certification help? (I’m getting more anyway, whether they help with college admissions or not; I’m just asking if they would help). For example, I’m planning doing the Microsoft SQL certification (why: I want to get a job b/c I love programming and think I’ll learn more once I get a job; not because my family needs money or anything; just because I want to).
I’m also doing this internship this summer which involves integrating an library I have to learn about into an existing project (the internship’s at a software company; they’ve hired me as an intern to help out). I also know a couple libraries like Kendo, Telerik, Bootstrap (CSS), Knockout, and learning this new library. I’m also helping my mom out with her work from home job since two years (I’m going to be a junior next year, so I helped year freshman and sophomore year), but I’m not hired for that (she’s working at a software company too, and I help her with whatever she does, like bug fixing or implementing new features)
Would that help me get into college? Or will they at least see it as a good extracurricular? I’ve tried looking for someone like me over the internet, but couldn’t find anyone.
Thanks for all your help!! I really appreciate it!
@hello9976 What major are you going into? Generally, it looks good as an extracurricular because it shows that you have something you’re passionate about which will definitely help if you need a topic for your college essays. If your going into computer science, it will look even better because it shows that you’re serious and committed about it if you’re willing to learn additional programming. That’s just what I think.
Programming experience helps for Computer Science but contrary to what a few people think around here, Computer Science does not equal programming. Programming is a means to solving problems in computer science. In fact, most top programs will assume that your already know a couple of languages already.
Of course it helps. CS is a lot more than programming to be sure, but this is the typical sort of background that is expected of students headed into CS. I suggest you see if you can find ways to use your skills in a volunteer way. And if you want to dig a little deeper you might want to explore the Linux operating system. I know there are boards devoted to it.
Very little, other than demonstrating interest/passion, to be honest, unless you can demonstrate you’ve been able to solve difficult problems using advanced algorithms. As others have stated, programming is only tiny part of Computer Science at most top universities. Though CS is not about programming, some of those universities may even insist you relearn some of languages you already knew so that you can program in ways they deem more appropriate.
If you’re going to school to study journalism, it helps if you can spell, construct sentences, and effectively communicate ideas with multiple paragraphs. CS is similar. If you arrive at college with some basic programming skills you will then be able to focus more on the higher valued concepts. If you can spell (programming syntax) , construct sentences (operate on data with instructions to do “something”), and string together paragraphs (use multiple chunks of data and syntax for a larger purpose) you’ll be ahead of the game.
The two most valuable skills my son held prior to starting college were programming and an in depth understanding of Linux. He worked primarily with C++ over a few years in high schools, but also dabbled in Objective C and Python (all self taught). So he was able to spell, construct sentences, and write paragraphs so to say. Also important was Linux because this was his way to develop and debug his programs.
It’s not about “passion.” And not about knowing langs when you start at college X. OP asked about admission. Not a tip, per se. You can list them on a line in Activities. But we have no idea what you’ve done with them, anything major. It’s a bit pre-professional and you need more collaborative math-sci activities. The internship is good. Again, not because it shows “passion” but because it shows you can get up and out of the high school/class box and pursue the experience.
OP seems to be a rising junior.
Ah, good catch. So, IMO, the internship plus helping out mom is a great way to spend the summer. Together, they may also be the beginning of a good application narrative: how you grew your skills while helping out at home.
Oh I wanted to add to my previous post, the internship is great. There’s a bit of a trope that CS people sit alone in their rooms and program and don’t interact with others. So getting out into the community and showing you can play with others is important. If you do a good job, you might be able to continue working for the company part-time or parlay it into a more serious summer job. This is an extra recommendation letter you might want to have in your pocket if the internship works out well.
As for the “does it help” question. Not having any programming experience is a big minus, but you won’t necessarily stand out, because so many people do have a fair amount of experience already.
I think programming experience is a bit iffy. So many kids only experience the high school CS classes, which are still uneven. So many kids do learn langs on their own, then do only tiny tasks with them. Better is how you actually use that ability in real world situations and collaborative.
OPsaid he or she works with Mom. Again we have no idea what.
Yep, it can be a minus not to have any, but again, just saying you know them doesn’t show anything- and it’s “Show, not just tell.”
Don’t forget how CS and engineering are about problem solving. And, in an efficient manner. Just saying you know several langs doesn’t inform much.
@lookingforward the OP has said that they have some Microsoft certifications and are considering getting more. They will also be interning this summer. They are a rising junior, so plenty of time to worry about how to present what they know. It may be in an essay that gives a slice of life that shows why they love programming, it might be something like what my kid did which was to start the essay with a paragraph “written” by a computer program, it may be with outside recommendations, it may be that he works with middle schoolers, he might program stuff for robotics, there are a million possibilities.
Yes, and I noted that OP works with Mom. But we dont know what he/she is doing with the langs, (other than the internship, ) that will interest adcoms. Certifications aren’t a tip.
No matter the time available, OP asked about will it help get into college. Just various langs and certs, imo, no extra special tip. Interning, likely but no promises. The whole matters.
Anyone’s mileage may vary.
I’m also not sure what major I’m going into (either Computer Science or something finance related).
And I forgot to mention that I am going to teach kids how to code at my local elementary school over the next school year (twice a week, one hour each session).
Thank you all for your responses!! I really appreciate it!!
Also, what I’m doing with my mom is helping her out with her job. I do some of her assignments for her; that’s where I use my programming knowledge (mainly where I learn more). For example, I have created an import functionality, an export data functionality, a summary screen (basically summarizes a grid using different amounts, and if you click into the row, you can see more detailed info), many screens with the MVVM model (model, view, viewmodel) where the user can create, edit, and save info about different records, and a linking process (links different records with parent/child relationships) . I have also fixed many bugs in the application (saving doesn’t work, editing doesn’t work, etc).
I’m helping my mom with this for about 2 years now, and will continue to do so as long as possible.
I thought I could “show” some of those things in my application; I’m not sure though. But I just wanted to say that I have definitely used and honed (a bit) my programming skills and increased my knowledge through that.
Does that change anything? I get I haven’t done anything extraordinary, but that’s all I got 
Thanks again!!