Does PSU wait to see everybody audition before they make MT decisions?

<p>I guess the title is pretty explainitory…Does PSU see a group of auditions, and decide after each one? Or do they wait to see all auditionees, and then decide??? I just scheduled my audition their (Feburary 28) and I was curious! Thanks in advance for anybody with info! :)</p>

<p>My D is a soph MT at PSU. She said they mostly defer (or reject) along the way. They might admit a very few along the way, but mostly wait until all the auditions are completed to make decisions, the day after the last audition. She was actually at the last audition her year, so you will be fine, The class will not be full at all by the last audition.</p>

<p>My D also got in after auditioning on the last audition date in 2005.</p>

<p>Thats great news!!! Thanks sooziet and ttmom!!! I was afraid slots would be close to being filled! Another question: are you two familiar with what the dance audition is like?</p>

<p>Dance audition: Half hour warm up. They teach a ballet and a jazz combination. Though you should be “on” the whole time they focus on your tecnique in the ballet and your ability to bring personality to your performance in jazz. Groups of three at a time do the audition and dance is first. It is before the singing. Then there is a short group vocal warm up but you should come warmed up and ready to go. Then individually you do your songs and monologue.</p>

<p>Do you know how difficult it is, by any chance? :)</p>

<p>i talked to Paula who sets up the MT auditions and she told me that they are planning on taking around 12 for next year. I’m auditioning at Unifieds and she said that if they do not ask you to stay for an interview it means you did not get in…</p>

<p>PSU has a callback procedure which is like a “cut” and if you don’t get to the callback, you will know you will not be admitted. This happens on campus at auditions as well.</p>

<p>Actually as I clarified in an earlier post, only at the campus does PSU have an INTERVIEW procedure whereby if one is not invited to stay after the song and dance audtion they will not be considered. This is not the situation at Unifieds. This is much like the real world of professional auditions. I would hope these applicants see the process in that vein</p>

<p>Actually, Paula clarified to me yesterday as I wrote earlier, that at Unifieds there WILL be an interview process as well. And if you are asked to stay/come back for an interview then it means that you are in the running to be part of their MT class. She mentioned this quite a bit as I was trying to find a time that would fit into my audition schedule. It may have been different for your child, but this is how they are running it this year, according to Paula.</p>

<p>Hi! I have worked the Unifieds for the past few years aho PSU alum, and will be there again this year! Because of the very strict time constraints and the amount of people auditioning, there really isn’t time to do an interview process like they do on campus. Sometimes, NOT ALWAYS, they will ask questions in the audition room after you have done your songs/monologue. It does not mean a yes/no…and they don’t always ask questions. I know this probably doesn’t make things a lot clearer, but they do not follow the same process as the on campus auditions.</p>

<p>PSUCAT- Does that mean that if we don’t get asked for an interview at unifieds then we could still possibly be admitted to PSU? Paula told me to wait until after my audition to apply academically to the school and that I would know by being asked to stay for an interview as to whether or not they are interested in accepting me and then to apply academically, just because it will save money etc, especially since many schools are charging application and audition fees…What do you think would be the best thing to do?</p>

<p>PM me and we can work something out at Unifieds. I am not sure if they are running it differently than all of the other years, but I would imagine its the same. It depends on their time constraints. We will work something out so that you don’t have to put out more money than you need to!</p>

<p>PM me and we can work something out at Unifieds.</p>