Does Purdue take more than three weeks to process HS transcript?

<p>I applied to Purdue online on Oct. 19th. My test scores were received on Oct. 24th and have been listed as processed. My GC sent my HS transcript the 3rd week of Oct. as well, but my app status still does not list it as received. My current app status is still not complete because of the missing/unprocessed HS transcript.</p>

<p>Is Purdue really running that far behind in processing HS transcripts? Should I be worried that the delay in processing my transcript will mean I missed the Nov. 15th scholarship deadline? How can I preserve scholarship eligibility if my transcript was inadvertently lost or misplaced?</p>

<p>I'm stressed... :( ...Can anyone please help?</p>

<p>Boiler Up!</p>

<p>call purdue ASAP and talk to them and that will at least let you know if they have them or not...if not over night them to them or fax them!
but not to worry for some reason it took the about for weeks to get back with my son's last year and he got a free ride!</p>

<p>I called admissions and asked if there was a problem causing the delay in processing my HS transcript. They said they had a queue for processing documents they've received by mail and that it took several weeks from the time they receive documents to process them and record them as received on your application status. They use the received date instead of the processing date, so as long as they received all required documents by Nov. 15th, the scholarship deadline would be met.</p>

<p>They also said there was no way they could check through their queue to see if they had, in fact, actually received my transcript. It sounds chaotic in the admissions office, and I got the impression I was bothering them. I hope they'll be flexible if it turns out my transcript was lost or misdirected. I'm getting an uneasy feeling.</p>

<p>The admissions department is currently processing items received about 6 weeks ago. I would wait a few more weeks before I would start to worry. ;)</p>

<p>My D applied electronically on October 10th and her transcript was sent on October 13th. She checked the status yesterday and everything EXCEPT her transcript is accounted for. </p>

<p>Thanks for the update, I assume her HS transcript is also stuck in limbo.</p>

<p>We mailed the transcript on the 11th of November and it shows processed as of 13th November. We sent by UPS. It was a surprise to see that posted so soon considering that the message that pops up says they are 6 weeks behind.</p>

<p>That's why I have an uneasy feeling about this. Has anyone else had their transcript processed much more quickly by Purdue like Naga? My transcript was sent about 3 weeks before Naga's, and Purdue still hasn't processed it.</p>

<p>Last year when my friend across the street applied, not only did Purdue process his transcript much more quickly, they also gave him an admissions decision in less than three weeks. They gave him a pretty big scholarship, too. His grades and test scores were lower than mine. I know they're Waiting until Dec. 5th to start releasing decisions this year, but since my application still isn't complete I don't think I'll get a decision then.</p>

<p>I'm in the same situation with the transcript not showing up. I'm glad I'm not alone here.</p>

<p>smae here, though i don't know if my transcript was late. does anyone know if my transcript is a day or two late, will that count against me for the scholarship.</p>

<p>I used FedEx.
my status changed today, after they received the package four or five days ago.</p>

<p>Of the people who have posted in this thread, those who sent their transcripts by UPS or FedEx had their transcripts processed by Purdue within a few days. But those of us whose high schools mailed their official transcripts through the USPS have been in the processing queue for what Purdue claims is at least six weeks.</p>

<p>I wish Purdue had told us they were going to prioritize transcripts sent by UPS and FedEx over transcripts sent by mail. Two people in this thread had their transcripts submitted weeks after my high school sent mine, but their transcripts were processed and mine still has not been processed. My high school will only direct mail official transcripts; they can't afford to send transcripts by UPS or FedEx. It seems that students whose schools use regular mail are kept at the back of the processing queue. :(</p>

<p>The lengthy delay in processing mailed transcripts at Purdue is really frustrating. All of the other colleges I applied to finished processing my app/test scores/transcript weeks ago, including colleges I applied to after Purdue. Purdue is the only college still reporting an incomplete application status. </p>

<p>Does this mean that my app will be reviewed and an admission decision made long after the apps Purdue has processed before mine, like Naga's and grovestreet's even though they sent their transcripts weeks after my high school sent mine?</p>

<p>Naga said:
We mailed the transcript on the 11th of November and it shows processed as of 13th November. We sent by UPS. It was a surprise to see that posted so soon considering that the message that pops up says they are 6 weeks behind.


<p>grovestreet said:
I used FedEx.
my status changed today, after they received the package four or five days ago.


<p>I am really upset about this. I hope I'm not screwed because my high school sends transcripts though the regular mail :(</p>

<p>My HS sent my transcript via regular mail on 10/13 and according to Purdue, they show it was received 10/20. Perhaps because I had it sent a while before the big Nov rush, they were able to process it faster. Of coure, there is nothing listed in the status box for any of my items, so I am assuming since there is a date for my fee, test scores and transcript, that everything has been received and my application is complete. Of course, some kind of confirmation of it being complete sure would be nice.</p>

<p>I also had letters of recommendation sent, as well as emailing my ECs and an essay just for good measure. No idea if those made it into my folder or not.</p>

<p>Chartreuse, it is very possible that your transcript is lost...
it's already seven weeks since ur HS sent ur transcript. by no means they need six weeks to process a received item.
you really need to resent the transcript now.
losing the mail can be caused by many reasons. not to mention usps itself, even stuff in the ad office could lose it. that is what happened to my friend's SSR for U mish.
if i were u, i would have boiled up three weeks ago..
hurry up, you will still have a chance.</p>

<p>Dont wait any longer. They did lose my transcript (express mail with tracking number shows it was delivered).</p>

<p>grovestreet said
it's already seven weeks since ur HS sent ur transcript. by no means they need six weeks to process a received item.
you really need to resent the transcript now.


<p>The problem is that when I spoke with admissions in mid-November, they claimed it would take several weeks to process items they receive in the mail. They specifically told me not to have my transcript resent because it would cause further delays for everyone if they have to process duplicate submissions for hundreds or even thousands of applicants. But now we see from your and Naga's posts that the admissions office processes UPS and FedEx items before regular mail items.</p>

<p>So I'm stuck in limbo with Purdue telling me it takes several weeks to process application items and they can't even tell me if they have my transcript or not, and Purdue processing items at random instead of the order in which they're received. From other posts in this thread, it looks like I'm not the only one in this position. I could have my high school resend my transcript, but they would send it regular mail again so I would still have the same problem.</p>

<p>Purdue isn't the only college I've applied to. The other colleges have all processed my app items in much less time. Purdue doesn't seem like they can handle the workload that comes with being a large university.</p>

<p>I emailed admissions today. To my surprise, they actually answered today. So, they truly must be doing everything they can. I had asked why my summary page didn't say "Complete Ready for Review". This is their response.</p>

<p>"Someone in our office has to "put the pieces together" to ready your file for review. We are only processing apps that were complete the first week of October, so it will still be a few weeks before you'll see a change. Everything is here, including your recommendations. You probably won't have a decision by 12/5, but it will be made available as soon as we have one.</p>

<p>We're working as hard and as fast as we can. As of November 21, we have received 18,000+ applications."</p>

<p>I didn't complete my app until 10/29 so I guess I will be waiting a while. Silly me, I thought all apps submitted by the 11/15 deadline would be reviewed and a decision rendered by 12/5.</p>

<p>suziechapstick said Purdue replied:
"Someone in our office has to "put the pieces together" to ready your file for review. We are only processing apps that were complete the first week of October, so it will still be a few weeks before you'll see a change.


<p>I would be more likely to believe this if Purdue hadn't processed Naga's and grovestreet's transcripts so quickly. If everyone's transcripts were processed in the order in which they were received, I'd have more confidence in the process. As it stands now, I don't. Purdue seems to have bypassed their "queue" for some applicants but not others. This is either intentional or their admissions office process is disorganized. I wish Purdue would be honest with us about which is the case - we all (mostly all) paid the same application fee; we should get an honest explanation for why some applications are experiencing lengthy processing delays and others aren't.</p>

<p>yeah it took a while purdue to say that they recieved my transcript. i turned it in on oct 7 to my school and they showed it as recieved on oct 30th, but it didn't show up on my computer as that until around nov 20th. but my english profiency is still blank.</p>

<p>i have the same problem, hope they didnt lose my transcript.</p>

<p>ipam45: my english proficiency is still blank also, they said if applicant's ACT English is above 19, then we dont need to take TOEFL. did they really mean the English section or the Reading section?</p>