<p>Actually, "race" is a cultural definition.</p>
<p>I noticed that this is almost exclusive to anglophon countries, especially USA (uni applications, surveys, etc.).</p>
<p>In all European countries, CVs, applications and stuff ask you for your "National Origin" and that's all. Identity cards state your Eye and Hair color, but I've never seen anything speaking about "race"; very rarely I find "ethnicity" but I think that was in U.K. </p>
<p>This may be a form of political correctness following European 20th century history. "Race" would imply something extremely close-minded over here.</p>
<p>Different people have different physical traits and each of them had different genetic histories. Biologically speaking, all "whites", "blacks", "asians", etc. are "creoles", too, since they evolved from former species of homo sapiens which used to have totally different physical traits.
And, as a rule of evolution, in a few centenaries of millennia or even less, there won't be anymore "whites", "blacks" and "asians" as we know them today.
There are speculations about a future homo sapiens where everyone will have the same traits, as a consequence to today's phenomena of globalization and multiculturality.</p>
<p>There are certain groups of people, societies, where genetic diversity is not so common (for a long time ashkenazi jews), and as a consequence may conserve their physical traits for a longer time.</p>
<p>In my personal opinion, the only "race" that exists is the human race, and our only "motherland" is Africa... no... the Earth :P</p>