Does ROP calculate into UC GPA?

<p>Hi I took Computer Repair at an ROP Center but I don’t know how to calculate it into UC GPA.</p>

<p>It was a class that took up two class periods, and on the transcript it shows up as 4 As (2 for each semester for two semesters). I’m not sure if I count it as 4 semesters or 2 semesters because it was one class that took up two periods.</p>

<p>I actually don’t even know if it is calculated.
I found this website on UC approved ROP courses, but this is not the same center I went to and the courses are different.
UC Approved Classes</p>

<p>I don’t really see it as a big deal, but it’s something I’d like to know. If it is not approved, then do I just ignore it when I calculate the GPA?

<p>ROP courses are generally not approved for a-g. You can enter the ROP Center’s name at <a href=“A-G Policy Resource Guide”>A-G Policy Resource Guide; to see if it pulls up a list (you may also try the name of your HS if the ROP is offered through/in conjunction with your HS). If the course is not approved for a-g, then you will exclude the grades from GPA calculation. There is a space on the UC application for you to enter your ROP courses (it’s part of the extracurricular activities section called “courses other than a-g”).</p>

<p>I would recommend for you to cram a few more a-g courses into this summer. The number of a-g courses taken is a huge factor in admission evaluation. Looks like you are taking about 5 per year, which is just below average.</p>

<p>Your chances at the big three are not good. If you are unhooked, to maximize your chances you should be taking 5 a-g courses each and every year, and you are not.</p>