Does she need the SAT??

<p>Hey everyone, my daughter, who is a junior, just took a practice ACT at school. She did very well getting a 34. She wonders if she should not bother with the SAT since she felt the PSAT seemed much more difficult. The schools she is interested in all accept the ACT. She now has decided not to attempt to gain entry into an accelerated BA/MD program so she doesnt even think she needs to take anymore SAT II's (she did chem and got a 760?). We know if she gets a high PSAT she will need to take it for NMF but besides that, what are your thoughts on ditching the SAT/SATII's. She is hoping to get some Merit $$.</p>

<p>Usually there are 3 types of students: Those who do well on the SAT, those who do well on the ACT, and those who don’t have a preference. Your daughter is clearly a high-scorer on the ACT, so I wouldn’t waste more money for the SAT where she will probably only get similar or lower results.</p>

<p>Some people say that adcom’s appreciate a high SAT more than they do a high ACT, just out of frequent exposure, but I think this factor is negligible. I wouldn’t re-take.</p>

<p>Assuming she scores high on ACT (and practice tests are not always an indicator), then she will not need to take the SAT for any college unless she wants to qualify for a scholarship such as NMF which requires the SAT. As to whether she needs more SAT IIs, it depends on college to which she is applying (for Harvard, Princeton or Georgetown, she would need two more, for a number of other high ranks, she could need one more; however, since most of the high ranks don’t provide merit aid, it sounds like she may not be applying to a school that may still require SAT IIs even if she provides the ACT).</p>

<p>As others have said, there’s no real reason to take the SAT unless she’s going for NMF. Also, many colleges will accept the ACT with writing in lieu of SAT IIs.</p>

<p>Thanks guys for your input. Initially, she thought she might go for a combined MD program but now she has changed her mind, so we think we will scrap the other 2 SAT II’s. She will wait until getting her PSAT score in Dec. and if she is in the range for IL NMSF (214) she will take the SAT to try and qualify. Luckily she does test well on the ACT. She seems to like this format. She hates the vocab. portion of the SAT!</p>

<p>Keep in mind that PSAT scores are harsher than SAT scores (usually).
Just because she doesn’t get a 214+ on the PSAT does not mean that she can’t do well on the SAT.
I got a 194 on the PSAT but a 2250 on the SAT.
Have her take a practice SAT and see how she does?</p>

<p>Trying the SAT can’t hurt. I actually did better on it than my PSAT score predicted.</p>

<p>Some schools that accept both prefer the SAT, so if she did well on it, it could increase her chances of admittance at these schools.</p>

<p>take the SAT in order to prepare for the PSAT</p>

<p>(this is from a NSMF)</p>

<p>^ I didn’t know that was true. I thought both were fine?</p>

<p>Look at schools’ Common Data Set section C8 to see if there’s a preference.</p>