Does Spanish 3 course count as 2 or 6 semesters of LOTE on MCA?

I took Spanish 3 in 10th grade and received an A. That is the only LOTE course I took in all of middle and high school. I DID NOT take Spanish 1 and 2.

For UC and CSU’s, I understand Spanish 3 counts as 3 years of a FL.

For Cal Poly MCA does it count as 2 semesters of 6 semesters?

If it only counts as 2 semesters, should I take Spanish 4 as a senior to boost my MCA? I am not passionate about FL classes (I took 6 years of it in Elementary school) I prefer programming languages. I plan to apply as a CS major.

It counts as 2, but you probably took 1 & 2 in middle school. They count. Count your middle school math too if it’s Algebra or above.

As for CS, you need the highest MCA. Are your stats and non-academic adders up to it? If marginal, choose SE.

Good luck!

No, that is the problem. I skipped right to Spanish 3 and never took Spa 1 and 2. I was hoping CP would view it as the equivalent of 3 years of Spanish (6 sem) like the other CSUs and UCs do. Is it worth contacting admissions to find out for sure?

Absolutely! Let them know that you jumped right into 3 and you’re worried that the lack of 1 & 2 might negatively impact their perception of your academic rigor. Use the word RIGOR specifically. Ask them if there’s a way around that. Good luck!

BTW, it seems silly that they do it that way for math and languages.

What are your stats otherwise? CS at CP is very competitive.