Does super scoring hurt your college application?

So currently, If I were to apply to Lehigh, I would send two SAT test (590 Verbal, 780 Math) and (650 Verbal, 740 Math). Would that hurt my chances of admission to Lehigh? Should I retest and try to get 650 verbal, 790 math? Thanks…

If they superscore it doesn’t matter. Usually a computer just ferrets out the best scores and the evaluators don’t even know how many times you sat for the test.

Lehigh is offering you a gift. They are offering you an SAT score of 1430. Take the gift and don’t look back.

They are looking for reasons to accept you, not reject you.

Congratulations on a great score!

If the school says it superscores then it superscores.

If a college felt that superscoring hurts applications, they would not superscore. Donkt overthink this.