Does Syracuse ask for 1st and 2nd quarter grades if applying ED

Hi all, my daughter is hopefully applying ED1 to Syracuse. Do they request 1st and/or 2nd quarter grades once applied? Or after application? Or before acceptance?

They required a mid-year report last year for RD students. I imagine they also require it for ED, but I’m not sure. I think you apply with whatever grades you have at the time of application. My son applied RD, but submitted his app very early, in Oct. He gave them the grades he had when he submitted, and then they got the rest in the mid-year report.

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in our experience, no - they did not

ED decisions will come out before many HSs have grade records for first semester, so I don’t see Syracuse waiting for first semester grades before making ED decisions.

However, they may ask for Q1 grades for ED applicants, it just depends if the AO wants to see how senior year courses are going before offering admission. I would expect AOs to ask for Q1 grades for applicants who might have a downward or inconsistent grade trend, or who have taken a significant jump in rigor senior year, to take two examples.

Final HS transcripts will be sent to whichever school a student matriculates at. Most acceptances are contingent on senior year performance being roughly similar to the first three years.

Good luck.


I’m also very interested in this Q for S24 who may apply ED. His HS does not give quarter grades and the in-semester grades are often a mixed bag. The grades are heavily weighted toward the semester final exam and I don’t like that there are not many other “points” awarded throughout, so missing one point here and there can actually lower the grade significantly when there is so little granularity. I’m hoping this is not required for ED as it may not be representative of his typical straight A end of semester grades.