Does taking a semester off affect getting into nursing school?

<p>I just began taking my prerequisites (I am a freshman in a CC) and just started my spring semester a week ago. I am considering moving out of state to live with my mom and worry about getting behind or not being allowed to enroll this late in the semester (their spring classes began three weeks ago). If I were to take the semester off and get a full time job as a CNA (this would help me save money for school too!) would that look bad? I would start taking classes in the summer that I would be taking now so I would not be behind. Would taking this semester off look bad for getting into a four year school let alone a nursing school?</p>

<p>Many (but not all) nursing programs want you to enter in September - because they follow an orderly set of classes. </p>

<p>Experience as a CNA would be helpful in your application. </p>

<p>Remember to apply as early as possible - many nursing programs fill up before other majors.</p>