Does taking college courses add to UC GPA for ELC Program?

If I want to further my changes of being eligible for the ELC Program (the top 9%), would taking college courses that are uc-transferrable increase the UC GPA for the ELC Program? Thanks!

The Eligibility in the Local Context is a program that identifies HS students who have performed well in the top 9% of their senior class, at their high school.

Do you even understand that the ELC does not guarantee admission to your selected UC?
All it means is that if you apply and you are denied by the UC’s you applied to, that you can be accepted to a UC that has room. Right now, the only UC school that has room is Merced. You don’t get to pick and choose.

Yes I am well aware, but that wasn’t my inquiry–I’m just curious whether the GPA that is considered during the selection/eligibility process may include the credit from a uc-transferrable college course. They mentioned that some eligible college courses count for the uc GPA, but I just wasn’t sure if it counts for the GPA used for the ranking…

How ELC GPA is determined:
ELC status will be determined by the UC after students submit their applications. Using the self-reported academic record, the application system will check to see if an applicant’s weighted, uncapped GPA meets or exceeds the benchmark ELC GPA for his or her school and whether the student has completed the ELC course pattern: 1 year of history/social science, 2 years of English, 2 years of mathematics, 1 year of lab science, 1 year of language other than English and 4 college-prep electives.

How the UC determines schools’ historic GPAs:
Since the inception of the ELC program, participating schools have submitted transcripts for the top 15 percent beginning of their students, with parental permission. Using this information, the UC establishes a historic benchmark GPA representing the expected GPA for the top 9 percent of the students from each school.
-Schools are periodically requested to submit transcripts so that we can monitor — and reset, if necessary — their benchmark GPA. If a student is determined to be UC-eligible through ELC, the University will notify them at the beginning of their senior year.
-Students must then submit the University’s undergraduate application during the November filing period and complete remaining eligibility requirements to be considered fully eligible.
-Fully eligible ELC students are guaranteed a spot at one of UC’s undergraduate campuses, though not necessarily at their first-choice campus!

@preciouscanoe: Since the ELC Benchmark is determined based on your HS’s historical transcripts, if there are many students at your HS that take college courses that meet the a-g course requirements, then it is possible they could be used for the ranking. It all depends upon what information your HS is submitting to determine the GPA threshold.

@Gumbymom Thanks so much for your help! One quick questions that’s a bit silly: for UC uncapped gpa that is considered for the ELC, is the maximum amount of honors/AP that can be counted for 10th grade 4 semesters? Thanks again!

Based on my knowledge, yes 4 semesters in 10th grade.

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In that case, in terms of reviewing a college app would they be able to still see that I took, for example, two honors and one AP, or would they disregard one since it wouldn’t count for the credit anyways? Thanks so much!

They will not disregard anything on your transcript or application, but as stated above being ELC eligible helps your chances at the UC’s but does not guarantee any acceptance other than UC Merced (if room is available). Do your best since the historic GPA cutoff is out of your hands.

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Right - ELC eligible only means - if another UC rejects you, you’ll get a referral to Merced. Where you probably would have been admitted anyway. had you applied directly. What are your stats?

Thanks so much! I was worried since I have quite few APs this year, but had one sophomore year, which most others don’t have (however it’s capped off since I have 2 honors sophomore year as well). I don’t know how UCs would look at that, but I have a 4.0 right now.

Are your Honors courses in Sophomore year UC approved? Not all HS designated Honors courses are UC approved for the extra weighting.
You can check your HS’s approved courses using this link and entering the name of your HS at the prompt:

Yep, they all are.

You have taken a rigorous HS schedule so you should be fine in terms of ELC eligibility especially if you have gone beyond what most of your class mates have completed.

Hmm I believe that I have more honors courses in sophomore year but they have more honors courses in junior year. If sophomore year is capped, then would it not count? Sorry for all the questions and thanks for all your help!

Not sure why you are fixated about ELC since you can be ELC eligible locally (through your HS) and statewide. Also you can still be accepted to a UC, even if you are not ELC eligible. Do not worry about things out of your control at this point. The classes you have taken cannot be altered nor can the classes of your fellow classmates.