does tamu rescind?

<p>I might fail AB Calculus this semester with a D, will I get rescinded for that? If it makes any difference, this isn't the first time i've failed math :/ I also failed precal last year. the rest of my grades are going to be As in english, envi sci, stats, and a b in physics c (these are all APs). I was an auto admit</p>

<p>Any input would be greatly appreciated</p>


<p>gee i know i suck, but 40 views and not a single opinion? come on guys, help me out here</p>

<p>95% no</p>


<p>I would say no you will not get rescinded. What major are you thinking about doing?</p>

<p>petro eng, yeah it looks bad i know =/</p>

<p>Once you’ve been accepted, as long as you don’t fail out of school, you shouldn’t have a problem being rescinded. We even had one counselor tell a group of us at an applicant information meeting if you are a top 10% auto-admit and drop down out of that bracket after acceptance, “don’t let us know about it.”</p>

<p>As far as doing poorly in high school math classes and wanting to major in PetE, you may want to take a serious look at your choice of major. If math is hard for you now in high school, it’s going to be undoable at A&M. At the very least, an engineering student should find math to be one of their better subjects.</p>

<p>Thanks a lot for your input gxgal! Does that same info apply for academic admits like myself? Yeah I know that it looks bad that I’m doing bad in high school math =/ I think I might switch over to business later, but I love physics and engineering in general and while I may not be doing so hot in calculus, I’m doing great in AP stats (A) and not too bad in physics c (with a B). I will definitely try to improve myself 2nd semester because I know that this math preparation will be important for any major I choose.</p>

<p>Yes, I would say the same would go for academic admits. The important thing is you pass all your minimum required courses for A&M. I know it’s easy to want to let up your senior year of high school, but try and look at it as prep for college instead. If your true desire is to become an engineer, then give it all you’ve got at A&M. Good luck to you!</p>

<p>Does anyone else have any opinions/information?
Will failing 1st semester AB Calculus be enough to rescind my acceptance to TAMU since I am an engineering major?</p>

<p>Which college did you end up going to? I’m in the same situation myself, failing AB Calculus with a 68. </p>

<p>From what I understand, if you were top 10% after your junior year of high school, you are an automatic admit no mater what happens. They do want to see that you graduate, but that’s about it.</p>

<p>For what is worth, if you are struggling in high school math you may want to reconsider your major. TAMU engineering is very competitive and they really hit your hard with your math and physics the first year. Before your NSC they will ask you to take a math test. This may require you to take math 150 which is pre-calculus. My son just finished math 151 his first semester and said it was a pretty hard class. The physics classes are unbelievably hard. Physics 218 and 208 are weedout courses and they really do test folks. To give you an idea, test scores were averaging in the 40’s for physics 218. My son’s math 151 final had an average of 34. Seriously… 34!! </p>

<p>Another thought. If you decide to pursue Engineering, but would like to improve your math skills, consider taking Math 150 (Precalculus at TAMU). My S went this route (even though he was qualified to take Calculus - got a 4 on AP test and passed the math placement test). He chose to take this class more for confidence reasons. He knew the difficulty of the Engineering curriculum and it was a way for him to “ease” into it and see if it was right for him. One advantage, too, is that the Precalculus class at TAMU will teach you all the pre-requisite skills necessary to be successful in Math 151 Calculus. The instructor he had was great! He received an A in the class and is now in Math 152 doing well.</p>