Does Texas A&M offer merit scholarships?

<p>I will applying to colleges this fall and am very interested in Texas A&M. I am out of state so do you think TAMU would offer me any merit based scholarships?
Here are my stats...
SAT: M-780 CR-680 W-650 (total 2110)
IB program w/ 3.95 GPA unweighted and 4.6 weighted
Lots of volunteer hours </p>

<p>(I do not think I would qualify for financial aid so I am very interested in whether I would be offered any scholarships if accepted.)</p>

<p>i think they do</p>

<p>You will probably get a scholarship. With that scholarship comes out of state tuition waiver. However, the amount of the scholarship is probably not going to be what you were expecting unless you are national merit finalist.</p>

<p>My D has almost the same stats as you. She was offered 2500/yr from the honors dept and another 1000 from the university. Along with this came the tuition waiver, so we were very happy. She wouldn’t have been able to attend without this. She will be a freshman next year. She also wrote her 3rd essay about how much and why she wanted to attend A&M. We figured it wouldn’t hurt to let them know that was the only way she could go there. I guess it worked. Gig 'em!</p>

<p>I think that Texas A&M offered travel money for NMSF’s to visit.</p>

<p>Yeah they offer awesome merit scholarships. Are you NMF?</p>

<p>No unfortunately I didnt do as well on the psat to qualify to be a NMSF or NMF, I actually wasnt even commended.
Is a tuition waiver a waiver on OOS tuition to allow me to pay in state tuition?</p>

<p>I don’t know about the tuition waiver, but if you haven’t already, you might look to see whether your state has any agreements with Texas for in-state tuition. On the East Coast, there is the Common Market for schools that offer a major not offered in the home state. Just an idea.</p>

<p>If you are not NMF then don’t be expecting anything more than an honors scholarship and oos tuition waiver. Yeah, the scholarships are awesome… for national merit finalist. But an oos tuition waiver is very nice also in your case.</p>

<p>My stats were slightly better if not on par with yours. So I am guessing you have a pretty good shot at something. However, I am fairly sure that many other universities will offer you more money than Texas A&M (as was my case). TAMU is a school you go to for many reasons (quality of education,campus environment, etc.) , but scholarships are simply not one of those reasons for the MAJORITY of people. </p>

<p>The honors website list that there are 300 four-year President’s Endowed Scholarships and 150 four-year Lechner or McFadden Scholarships which are 12k and 10k respectively(total not per year). If you are not NMF, the money will pretty much stop there. You may also get a departmental scholarship or another small university scholarship, but nothing even near as substantial as the two other two I just listed. If you are NMF, you get all these and more until you have a full ride. So, I would say the scholarships here are on par with those of the large four year universities, maybe even a bit worse.</p>

<p>Any update to the National Merit Finalist package that is offered to OOS? </p>

<p>Full tuition? Room & Board? Fees? Travel stipend?</p>

<p>Would they match other offers by other universities to recruit an undergrad student?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>My NMF scholarship paid for everything freshman year. This year it covers tuition and rent. So basically I just have to pay for food now. So you get slightly less after freshmen year. You do get some money for studying abroad, but I’m not sure how much.</p>

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<p>If Texas A&M were to offer me a scholarship, will the notification arrive with my acceptance letter or will it come in a separate letter? I am not eligible for NMF, but I am hoping for OOS waiver. Do I need to fill out a separate application?</p>