Does the popularity of UW housing depend on student majors?

<p>I saw many discussions on the popularity of different residential halls. Does the popularity vary among different majors? e.g. a biology student may have clustered classes instructed mostly at a specific building close to a certain residential hall, and thus she may choose it as a top priority?</p>

<p>Not really. Engineering majors tend to live in one area due to the engineering buildings being clustered, but there are no dorms there. I guess one exception is if you’re going into CALS (college of agricultural and life sciences) you might want to live in Lakeshore as most of those buildings are more clustered over there. But definitely decide where you want to live based on the actual dorm, not because it’s close to things. You’ll definitely have classes in all different buildings.</p>

<p>Since the dorms are over 1/2 filled with freshmen, and most freshmen either don’t know or will change their major there is no correlation with “majors in X” choosing any specific dorm. Also, those majoring in colleges other than L&S will most often have many classes in L&S their freshman year as well. Plus- don’t count on your class in dept X to be in its building- sometimes discussions, and even lectures, are not in the departmental building.</p>

<p>Expect to find diversity in every dorm, the exceptions being those who choose specific programs allocated to a dorm or house within a dorm. Later on you may wish to choose your apartment (most students eventually live in apartments, especially juniors and seniors) closer to the end of campus you expect to have most of your classes- by then you will know your major. Regarding the programs- not all students interested in one will choose that dorm either.</p>

<p>Make your dorm choice based on where you want to spend your time evenings and weekends- the neighborhood that most appeals to you. Choose being in a city environment (Southeast) or more suburban one (Lakeshore). Don’t worry about needing to live where others in your classes do- it is easy to get together with those you meet in your favorite classes, especially with cell phones.</p>