<p>I've been using it all day but the Rescomp bandwidth tracker hasn't showed any more usage.</p>
<p>yep. maybe it hasn’t been updated yet and you’re not gonna see major changes unless you’re downloadin something or watching stuff on hulu…</p>
<p>it does, but it takes a few days to update. also, if you go past the normal warning email limit using wireless, it won’t email you about it either - I thought wireless didn’t count and I used a bunch of bandwidth, and on a whim I decided to check it a few days later and I was at 11.50 out of 12gb after being at 1gb the day before.</p>
<p>I’m a bit lost here, someone want to explain here?</p>
<p>There are weekly bandwidth limits on the Internet at Cal.</p>
<p>How did you hit 11.5? I was under the impression that 8GB was so high that it was basically just a means of detecting people downloading suspiciously large quantities of data.</p>
<p>how do you not hit 11.5? Shoot, you watch 12 episodes of something on Hulu and you’re pretty much at ~11. I once hit 11.98 and I didn’t want to take the test so I just shut down my computer. It was a sunday though. :)</p>
<p>probably not cause u don’t hve to live in the dorms to use it.</p>
<p>Is it difficult or annoying to stay under the 12gig weekly limit? Like what do you guys averagely use?</p>
<p>It varies. I download quite a bit of music, so I usually use up towards the limit. Even if you go past it, you can go on campus and use airbears…there’s no bandwidth.</p>
<p>12 is way more than enough even if you’re watching tons of hulu streams. however, if you are an avid user of private BT sites and need to keep ratio or anything like that, it’ll be really hard to stay under 12 considering how obscenely fast you can dl + seed. just make sure to keep an eye on your totals, and don’t leave your computer downloading overnight.</p>
<p>Do they allow you to use torrents there? I was under the impression that torrents were monitored and that you would get in trouble if you torrented.</p>
<p>You new students will learn to love DC++.</p>
<p>they don’t monitor to see if you torrent or try to catch you. however if they receive a complaint for a company they will not do anything to protect you, and you will get in trouble. so if you don’t know how to use bittorrent safely, then don’t use it. (and no, I’m not talking about using some crap like a safepeer or a blocklist… that will NOT protect you).</p>
<p>how do you check if you reached the bandwidth limit?</p>
<p>login to see you bandwidth (updated about every 30 minutes for wired connections, last year wireless updated every few days, though they might have upgraded this) at rescomp.berkeley.edu</p>