Does the UF only accept a certain amount from each school?

My rank is 8% but I have the IB program at my school so everyone from that is applying and there is 550 people in my class. Or is it just all applicants as a whole?

My impression is they don’t have a quota. If you look at the map of Florida, some counties they take many students from, others hardly any.

Is there a link that we can find out how many students were accepted from each Florida Highschool?

here’s a link to a map showing the county by county breakdown. I couldn’t find one for individual high schools.

UF doesn’t have a hard and fast quota by school.

They do want to accept students from across the state, so geographical residence is taken into account (to a lesser degree). This likely has something to do with making sure kids from more rural counties can still get accepted to UF.

A better way to look at it may be by the class rank of Freshman.

Percent in top tenth of high school graduating class 75%
Percent in top quarter of high school graduating class 97%

If you’re not in the top 25% of your class, it difficult to get accepted to UF (as a freshman).