Does this AZ student have a chance at Yale?

Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Top 8% of class of 422
Grades: 4.0/5.0 Weighted 3.55/4.0 Unweighted
SAT II's: 690 World History, 740 Literature, 690 Spanish, 700 American History
SAT I: 680 Math/720 Writing/770 Reading=2170
SAT I: 650 Math/710 Writing/800 Reading=2160
2200 Altogether</p>

<p>Classes Taken:
Frosh: H Bio, Spanish II, Geometry, P.E., English IH, J.V. Choir, Men's Choir
Soph: H Chemistry, dropped at Semester to Regular, Spanish IIIH, English IIH, Varsity Choir, Algebra II, World History H
Junior: H Physics, Spanish IVH, English IIIH, Advanced Vocal Ensemble (Highest Level), Pre-Calculus, American History AP, Men's Choir
Senior Classes: AP Statistics, Varsity Choir, Econ/Government, AP English IV, AP Spanish V, Advanced Vocal Ensemble, Men's Choir</p>

<p>EC: Varsity Swimming (Captain, Letterman, placed 7th at State Finals)
Vice President of Choir of eighty students (Voices of Saguaro)
Master of Ceremonies for Century of Song
Community Service through Ambassadorship Program, NHS and Vocal Music
Club Swimming, takes up extreme amounts of time
Young Democrats (President)
Young Democrats (Vice President)
Young Democrats (Secretary)
Young Democrats (Treasurer)
Jazz Choir
Varsity Choir
Men's Choir

National Merit Semi-Finalist
National Spanish Exam: Bronze Medalist
2007 Outstanding High School Swimmer (Varsity Swimming)
Outstanding Baritone (Varsity Choir)

National Honor Society
Various Meaningless Mailing Awards (Who's Who, National Society of High School Scholars, etc.)
Placed 7th in State Finals in Swimming</p>

<p>Intended Major: Political Science, Communications
Minor: Romance Languages</p>

<p>Applied to:
Harvard College
Lewis and Clark College
Syracuse University
University of Arizona
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Brown University
Yale University
Georgetown University
Northwestern University
UC Berkeley
Boston University

<p>I'm very aware that my GPA is not stellar. It's fine, just not stellar. When I take honors/AP classes, it tends to be that I get B's and they're weighted as A's. So please take that into consideration.</p>

<p>I'm planning to sell myself as a swimmer, singer, and a political freak. I can speak very intelligently about music and politics (and other things, obviously). I think that might help me at Yale, but not really at anywhere else.</p>

<p>I really do spend a ton of time singing, my voice is very good, and I'm going to send a tape to be judged.</p>

<p>Yale is my first choice, I have applied EA. I'm sending a letter of intent saying that if accepted, I will go.</p>

<p>Finally, (Swear I'm Done), I have interned at the U.S. Attorney's Office over the past summer?</p>

<p>Where will I be able to get in? Will selling my soul to Yale work? And, could everyone tell me where I may get in off of my entire list? I want to know where I can be assured of getting into, maybe get into, etc.</p>

<p>Finally, I'm from AZ. That was long, huh?</p>

<p>Yale is a high reach for you. Unfortunately, your scores are consistently pretty low, ranking isn't very good, and while your swimming and political activity are encouraging, they don't appear as very strong ECs from your resume (in my school, for example, all senior swimmers on the team are automatically captain, and i know this also happens elsewhere). </p>

<p>Brown, Georgetown, and Wesleyan are low reaches (also perhaps UC Berkeley.) Rest are matches.</p>

<p>Oh, how sad lol. If I get my SATs up to 2300 will that help a lot?</p>

<p>I'm very aware that my GPA is not stellar. It's fine, just not stellar.
^ sorry to burst your bubble, but your GPA is not even fine. its subpar at best, and not that great if youre thinking about Yale</p>

<p>Yale is my first choice, I have applied EA. I'm sending a letter of intent saying that if accepted, I will go.
^ And also, that will not help you at all.</p>

<p>way to totally shove that in his face.</p>

<p>Certainly an increase in your SAT scores will help, but your current SAT score correlates with your SAT ii's and GPA, so I would be surprised if you could achieve a significant increase in that score. Also, like mayiplz said, sending yale a letter of intent shouldn't really change your chances. Most people, if accepted to yale, will go. However, like I said, you have fair prospects at quite a few of the other schools on your list, which seems to have a good spread of reaches and matches.</p>

<p>Thank you all for being ridiculously soul-crushing. Your optimism is, as always, unrivaled. You do realize that we're all real, live, people, right? Or is your human contact so minimal as to not understand that idea?</p>

<p>Didn't you want an honest answer? Maybe we could have phrased the words more politely, but in the end that's what it comes down to, and you shouldn't have asked for chances if you didn't want the possibility of hearing something negative. Yale is at best a long shot for any applicant, and a reach for a majority.</p>

<p>I wasn't referring to you, Amb3r. You were straightforward at best, but mayiplzgovertigo obviously just didn't get in where he wanted. Let's not take it out on people.</p>

<p>you have 7 classes, three of them being vocal?</p>

<p>High Reach. Maybe RD may give you better chances if you push up your scores more. </p>

<p>I know people applying to HYP with much worse credentials (I have no idea why they bother), but it still is a high reach for you [and them].</p>

<p>I wasn't referring to you, Amb3r. You were straightforward at best, but mayiplzgovertigo obviously just didn't get in where he wanted. Let's not take it out on people.</p>

<p>^ Yea, im being pretty much honest. Writing a letter intent does not even help you in the slightest. And it's true, your GPA is much lower than most of the GPA that many Yale applicants have. How is that mean? i dont understand.</p>

<p>learn to stop being so sensitive. it will not help you during the college proess.</p>

<p>P.S. I haven't even sent out one college application yet, and SMFA (school museum of fine arts linked with tufts) went to my highschool and asked me to apply to their school, saying theyll waiver the fee and set up a private protfolio review and basicaly accept me into the tufts-smfa dual degree program. So, no. im not bitter :) im quite pleased actually</p>

SMFA (school museum of fine arts linked with tufts) went to my highschool and asked me to apply to their school, saying theyll waiver the fee and set up a private protfolio review and basicaly accept me into the tufts-smfa dual degree program.


<p>There is no way the SMFA can guarantee you will be accepted to Tufts. When you apply to the dual-degree program, you send in two separate apps to the two separate schools, and one does not have ANY bearing on the other. So perhaps you're likely going to get into SMFA if they were that impressed with you when they met you, but I'm sorry to say they cannot guarantee you will be accepted to Tufts, where the acceptance rate is four times lower than at the SMFA.</p>

<p>Furthermore, my friend who did the dual-degree program said that when either of your applications are looked at, Tufts does NOT know you are applying to the SMFA too. Your acceptance to the dual-degree program comes after you've been accepted by BOTH school's adcoms, and when they decide if they want you to offer you a spot in the dual-degree program. Sometimes people are accepted at either school, but not into the dual-degree. Just FYI.</p>