Does this bother anyone else?

<p>What is worst is always having to prove yourself. Every year I had to deal with at Ieast one teacher who assumed I would be a weak student. I once had a teacher who told another teacher in my hearing that I wouldn’t go far because all black girls do is get pregnant. Interesting enough her white daughter had a child without the benefit of marriage.</p>

<p>@2Paths Whoaaaaaaaaaaa thats rude/crazy/ignorant…I can’t believe that happened.</p>


<p>If that was ever said about me then my parents would be in school to report that teacher. That’s horrible.</p>

<p>Here’s my issue with this, I really don’t care sometimes when i’m called an oreo, my mom is upset that I don’t care. She says I should feel more insulted, that if they’re saying oh you’re a nice black person then it really means that they think all black people are horrible (including my family, other black people, black people in my church, etc etc).</p>

<p>Should I be more upset? </p>

<p>I speak proper English, and that makes me a white girl…
I’m in the best classes at my school, that makes me a white girl…
I don’t dress like a slut, OMG I ain’t like my people, the ghetto representations that we get from the media at least.</p>

<p>@BlackRose101 Ppl used to call me an Oreo all the time, till they saw I was kicking theyr a**es at every subject. Plus Oreos are delicious! :smiley: (lol)</p>

<p>But in all seriousness. It’s difficult to conjure up new anger at an issue that we’ve been facing for such a long time…and our parents came from a different time in the struggle for respect. So I feel you in that aspect. However, rather than just forget about it, harness that negativity into something positive on YOUR behalf, ie. kicking ppls butts at everything and eating Oreos :)</p>

<p>Black Rose my mom did. She went to the Dean of Students. Since then whenever she sees this teacher she inquires about the welfare of her daughter and grandchild. </p>

<p>Looking at all of the comments I think that what makes people who they are is not race as much as it is social and economic class. Family expectations and experiences create the person probably more than race. We all view ourselves as black but that is just one facet of who we are.
WEB DuBois used to write about “the talented tenth”. I wonder if this issue has always existed? Were these the black people who did not “act Black.” Would these same people if they talked to Langston Hughes and others say the same stupid things to them that they say to us?</p>

<p>2Paths-- the talented tenthw ere people who didn’t “act black”. that’s the whole point. they were educated, skilled, and respectable people. wasn’t WEB DuBois partly/mainly whie? I think that has a lot to do with his perspective.</p>

<p>YES! I am so glad I have found this thread! It sucks even more when you try to explain to your friends why it is offensive but they just don’t get it.</p>

<p>I am normally the only black student in all of my classes so it can be frustrating…I remember one time a kid started singing “which one of these things isn’t like the other” and he pointedly glanced in my direction.</p>

<p>College will be so much better…I don’t think people will be this close-minded.</p>


<p>I must disagree.</p>

<p>The kids in my school who hate on me because other black students got into Harvard, the local uni, a great private, etc, are the same people who will hate on me in college for doing better, getting something better etc.</p>

<p>Haters will hate. There will always be haters and close-minded people, even in college.</p>

<p>I know. I have had the same feeling about some teachers. Sometimes I feel that my school works against me and I achieve in spite of my school and teachers.</p>

<p>This entire thread is the story of my life. Especially being from Long Island, the stereotypes are crazy. I wrote one of my supplement essays on stereotyping and boy did I have a lot of examples. </p>

<p>Because I have proper grammer and speak coherently I am actually “talking white.”
Because my favorite brand is Michael Kors and not “Baby Phat” I am dressing white.
Because I am the only black girl in my AP Classes I am “trying too hard.”</p>

<p>…that’s America for you</p>

<p>Reading this is empowering :’)
I’m Asian and I must admit that it’s still a bit surprising for me to see black students doing so well. Of course I will never vocalize these sentiments because it’s rude and I doubt the student would like to hear “DAMN son you are the smartest black kid I know!” etc. etc. America still has a while to go before we cease to make all these racial assumptions. But in the meantime, fellow high-achievers, continue destroying that demeaning stereotype until the rest of America is forced to change their perceptions. :)</p>

<p>I don’t know any black people and as a caucasian I’ve never had this happen. I suppose its more difficult to be the smartest white person somebody has ever met…</p>

<p>what? ^^</p>


<p>I hate that. But its due to the stereotypes. thus, I understand but it’s still no excuse.</p>

<p>People don’t really point out the fact that I’m literally the only black girl in ab calculus but luckily this time there’s some black guys in my math class b/c last yr I had zero!My school is maybe half black but most don’t want to take honors\ap classes. Sadly most black ppl at my school don’t consider me black I’m ‘white washed’ or ‘asian washed’ I hang out with black girls but have only asian guy friends :/</p>

<p>Sent from my SPH-M910 using CC App</p>

<p>People make it seem as if blacks cannot be as intelligent if not more intelligent than other races and it angers me. I am at the top of a class of mostly non African Americans</p>

<p>My school has 2900 students, over 50% of which black students, and I’m in the top 2% of my class. People say I’m not black, and not African, but I’m actually Asian (for the record, I’m Ethiopian and dislike math/science)…hmmm. They ask why I like punk rather than rap/R&B. It’s a choice, okay! You can choose to study! You can choose to not like a certain genre of music!</p>

<p>And if I’m not labeled as “not black”, I’m “the smartest African”. Uhh, I don’t really feel attached to my racial/ethnic identity…no need to make it my -defining feature-. I want to be more American, not less. Maybe not being labeled as a starving child/ape/terrorist would be nice, yeah? Just a thought.</p>

<p>Not African American, but I can relate.
I don’t think that people don’t mean anything bad from it, but seriously.</p>

<p>“You might as well be practically white. You don’t act hispanic at all.”</p>

<p>What is that supposed to mean? The nerve of some people.</p>

<p>^^ya I’ve always wondered if you guys get that but I think its different for you guys since they call you gringa or something like that…either way some whites hate to see a smart minority-black or hispanic</p>

<p>Sent from my SPH-M910 using CC App</p>

<p>At this point, I doubt that I would be so smart if I wasn’t constantly trying to beat the stereotype…</p>