Does this college have a good environment and encourages musician

Hey all , I am looking for a college which will help me in my future music and studies .I hope this college provides both because I have a dream of putting my music talent and technical skills together .Because I have started a project which I wish to complete . The project I started is for a web based platform which helps musicians there are websites for guitar [ ] but mine will be for piano . So your suggestions to choose the best college will be very helpful.

Easily among the best in the world are Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia & the Julliard School in NYC.

Berklee College of Music in Boston, Mass. is another highly respected school.

Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill. (adjacent to Chicago)

The Fiske Guide To Colleges 2020 lists a few dozen major universities & small colleges strong in music. Unfortunately, Pepperdine University is not listed.

The Fiske Guide To Colleges also lists the “Top Music Conservatories”:

The 12 listed are:

Berkelee College of Music
Boston Conservatory
California Institute of the Arts (CalArts)
Cleveland Institute of music
Curtis Institute of Music (arguably the best)
Eastman School of Music
Juilliard School (arguably the best, but Curtis is free)
Manhattan School of Music
New England Conservatory of Music
North Carolina School of the Arts
Peabody Conservatory of Music
San Francisco Conservatory of Music

Major Universities:

Boston College
Boston University
Carnegie Mellon University
Case Western Reserve
U. of Cincy
U. Colorado at Boulder
U. of Denver
Florida State University (FSU)
Indiana University (a major player in this field)
U. Miami
Miami of Ohio
Univ. of Michigan
Univ. of Nebraska at Lincoln
Univ. of North Texas
Northwestern University (outstanding)
Univ. of Oklahoma

Among this group, Indiana & Northwestern are considered to be elite programs.

Among small colleges Lawrence University in Wisconsin & Oberlin University in Ohio stand out.

Rice University, St. Olaf College, Skidmore College, Furman University and about a dozen others are listed by the Fiske Guide To Colleges 2020.