Does this count for A-G four years of math for UC?

In seventh grade I took Algebra. During the summer of seventh grade, I took geometry. In eighth grade I took Algebra 2 Trigonometry. Now in freshman year, I’m taking Pre-Calculus. I plan on taking AP Calculus Sophomore or Junior year. I also plan on taking Statistics some time during the summer. I have the ability to take it during the school year so would that be better than taking it during the summer? Are summer classes viewed equally as courses taken during the school year? Stats is not an honors or AP class at my school so I’m not sure how significant it is. Would any of the math I took before Freshman year count towards the A-G requirements and will UCs see I’ve taken more math than what I did in high school? What I’m taking in high school is only 3 years. (My school doesn’t have Calculus BC)

My experience is that you list the middle school classes on the UC app but the grades would not be used in gpa calculations and no transcript is required.

From the UC website.
C) Mathematics

UC-approved high school courses

Three years (four years recommended) of college-preparatory mathematics that include the topics covered in elementary and advanced algebra and two- and three-dimensional geometry. Approved integrated math courses may be used to fulfill part or all of this requirement, as may math courses taken in the seventh and eighth grades if the high school accepts them as equivalent to its own courses.

Math taken in middle school will count although the grades are not used in the UC GPA calculation. What is important is the math level you achieve. You also need to meet your HS graduation requirements so 4 yrs of HS math was required at my son’s HS and luckily Calc BC was offered.