Does this ever happen to you?

<p>Your standards for different classes are so different from one another? Like you're proud of a 95 in one class but disappointed to get the same grade in another class. I'm experiencing that right now, LOL.</p>

<p>I took three tests today - one in Latin IV, one in AP Environmental, and on in Trig - only my Latin and Environmental teachers have already graded the tests, and basically - I got a 98 on my Environmental test and I'm disappointed because Environmental is a huge joke and there is no reason why I shouldn't be getting 100's... I made just a careless error, and I got a 95 on my Latin test, another somewhat lesser disappointment.</p>

<p>But if I were to even get a 90 on my Trig test (cross your fingers everyone), it would be party city. I'd flip, it would be the greatest thing. Ever.</p>

<p>I feel the same way. For example, in AP Biology I got a 80 on a Hardy-Weinberg quiz, and in AP Chemistry I got a 82-ish on a quiz, I was jumping for joy lol.</p>

<p>LOL, if my Art teacher gives me an 85+ on any of my artwork, I’m holding a parade in my honor. My art is awful. LOL xD</p>

<p>If I get below a 100 on my AP Statistics test, I will never forgive myself! It’s one of the easiest classes I’ve ever taken. On the other hand, I was SUPER happy I somehow managed to get a 94 on my AP Biology test (really, I have no idea how that happened)</p>

<p>I was good in Hon. Biology Sophomore year, so If I get a bad test score in AP Biology (which is Oct. 3rd) I expect a 90+ lol.</p>

<p>I agree completely.</p>

<p>For example, in AP Physics C, any grade below a 97 causes me to become disappointed and frustrated (I love Physics). But in AP Calc, if I get a 90+, I’m happy.</p>

<p>Yeah I am the same with English and math. If I get lower then an A on anything in English I am disappointed (even a high B), but I am always thrilled when I get a high B in math.</p>

<p>Ohhhh yeah. I will weep for joy if I don’t fail a math test (especially with my current teacher, but that’s another story). But catch me with below a 100 in history or below a 95 (more subjective grading) in English and you’d better keep away because I will be raring to kill.</p>

<p>I wish my APES class was (took it last year) as easy as other people’s on here is. I was happy if I got an 80 (a B). </p>

<p>I understand what you’re saying though. I’m content with a 90ish (an A) in my AP Lit class but in Anatomy (H) I’d like to keep my 100% average</p>

<p>I usually have a much higher standard for math and science classes (as well as non-Honors/AP classes, obviously) than I do for Honors English/History classes. I consider myself a prospective STEM major, so for me, there’s no excuse not to do well in math/science. On the other hand, I absolutely SUCK at essay-writing (even though I have an A in English so far), so I can have a lower percentage in English and still be satisfied (as long as it’s an A, though).</p>

<p>Yes, I agree completely–there<code>s no reason I should be getting less than 100</code>s (or at least 96<code>s) in Earth Science (I should</code>ve taken AP Bio-Chem…Earth Science is SOOOO easy!) and there`s no reason I should be getting less than an A on tests in English.</p>

<p>Now, in AP W. History, my teacher told us all not to worry if we failed the first test, and that she expected us to cry about it (No joke) and I got a 77 on the first one…that<code>s the first time I</code>ve EVER been happy to get a 77 in history (Actually, happy for the first time ever on that…)</p>

<p>AP Psychology: 85 (I slap myself and break pencils)
AP Enviro: 85 (I say a few choice words and accept)
Honors Alg/trig: 85 (Im on cloud 9)</p>

<p>I’m glad I got an A on a test in AP Biology, but mad that I got an 88 on a test in AP Statistics.</p>

<p>I get a B+ in AP Lang: YES!!! I get a B+ in AP Gov’t: (this teacher sucks). But sometime I just don’t care if as long as they’re A’s</p>

<p>I never care about my grade until it falls below 93. And I’m healthier for it.</p>

<p>Yah got a 91 on AP World History test because I mixed up 2 answers and was ****ed</p>

<p>I’m a perfectionist and I will feel great disappointment for every 99% I get.</p>