Does this list make sense?

<p>Greetings all,</p>

<p>I was wondering if you would be so kind as to recommend a few schools for me? I am attending the local CC and am finishing up my first year w/ a 3.81 w/ zero ECs. URM, first generation college student, second generation American, low SES, etc.</p>

<p>I would like to major in Classics and this rules out both NV schools. Furthermore, I can't spend a second year finishing up the AA; budget cuts mean my Latin classes keep getting cancelled. </p>

<p>Location isn’t as important as affordability (I’ll just be grateful to get out of Las Vegas), as I’m an independent student of limited means. Despite this, I’d still prefer a smaller school, but I’m not seeing a way forward—thus the predominance of the larger western schools on my list. Here it is:</p>

<p>Reach (Academic or Financial):
New College of Florida (A)
SUNY-Binghamton (A)
Howard University (F)
University of Arizona (A) – WUE (Western Undergraduate Exchange)</p>

University of Utah – WUE
University of New Mexico – WUE </p>

University of Nevada, Reno (School of Last Resort)
University of Idaho
University of Montana</p>

<p>So, chances? I’m obviously a bit behind schedule so any assistance paring this down or any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>what did you do in hs? your college gpa should make you a competitive applicant to all the schools you mentioned regardless</p>

<p>I would suggest looking at Santa Clara University, University of San Diego and, perhaps, any of the Jesuit institutions in locations which appeal to you. These schools offer Classics and Classical Studies programs.</p>

<p>Are you a female? Schools like Wellesley and other women’s colleges might work.</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies.</p>

<p>@dufflebagjesus: I didn’t mention my HS record because I really don’t have one; I dropped out and joined the military. 693 on the GED, if that means anything.</p>

<p>@andale: Unfortunately not. IIRC, Wellesley has some sort of program for people like me, in the vein of Brown’s RUE. Thanks for suggesting the Jesuit schools, however. One of my Latin instructors is now an adjunct at Gonzaga, and as he offered to write a rec, I’ll add it to my list.</p>