Does this mean I'd get rejected from Cal Poly SLO?

I still haven’t gotten a decision yet. I heard they first notify those who got accepted, then the people who got waitlisted, then the rejections. Is this true?

No decision yet here either. Honestly I don’t know what to think anymore. Acceptances came out monday-tuesday, then waitlists the day after, and then rejections the day after that. I kind of have hope that they’ll do the same thing again next week or the last week of March. But we’ll just have to wait and see.

I hope you turn out correct. This is one of my top choices; it would be a great shame if I get rejected…

I didn’t think any rejections came out yet?

i think some people already got rejected. according to this thread #1345

they’ll release acceptances/waitlists/rejections but people are saying no rejections have been released yet. so i’m most likely getting rejected. from a state school.

Update: I got rejected from a state school.

Anyway, I’m not too disappointed because I’ve heard bad things about the school, especially women in engineering fields. Overall, I don’t think I’d be really happy if I was a student there.

I got into SDSU which, in my humble opinion, is far more better in terms of student happiness, activities, and academics. Plus, the beach is so close. Luis Obispo seems like a ghost town

No need to hate on the school. SLO is an awesome school, and if you do have another option other than SDSU I would highly consider looking elsewhere. Being from the San Diego area and knowing a lot of people who attend and have graduated from State, it isn’t the school for everyone especially if you aren’t commuting. You have the beach pretty close, but that’s anywhere you go in San Diego and trust me you won’t be going nearly as much as you’d like especially since the waters are freezing year round.

Just to clarify this is not hating on State, because they have some amazing academic programs, but I would really look into it if you are considering coming to state.

Gee - You’re not bitter about Cal Poly at all.
And then to pull the Woman-card cuz you got rejected… looks like Cal Poly made the correct decision.

Cal Poly has one of the Top Engineering programs & students are recruited by employers nationally.

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I agree with @NonTradtional . Just because you did not get in, doesn’t mean you have to talk badly about the school.

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FACT: Women do quite well at SLO. My husband hired a BIO ENG major who started 1/1. She also interned for his company last summer. Reason being, she was AWESOME as a tour guide when we were at a tour two years ago prior to my first son’s acceptance for EE. She is independent and knows her area of expertise and my husband is blown away with her performance thus far.

Only you can make a difference in your life - no one else - so stop with the falseness. It is a state school and for you to act like you should have gotten in just because of that fact, grow up.

SDSU is a great school as well so please enjoy!

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@debbieharry1 I find it amusing that you said SLO was one of your top choices in a previous post, but then bash it when you got rejected. If you don’t like us “CC people,” then maybe you should go back to reddit:)

@buster2974 there’s no way for me to get in, so therefore, why should it be my top choice anymore? I thought I’d get in, but I did not. What’s wrong with bashing a school? Must you tell me that I should love every single college?? I don’t have that much love in my heart, I’m afraid. :smiley:

@debbieharry1 I do not expect it to be your top choice still, but I do not understand why you started talking badly about it after you got rejected. Your post had a negative charge right when you said “Update: I got rejected from a state school.” like state schools are bad. I wish you luck for the future! :slight_smile:

Because they rejected me, that’s why! Not all state schools are bad. Would you have preferred if I praise them for rejecting me? I have every single right to say what I said.

I expected to get into SLO and SDSU, the only cali state schools I applied to.

My argument is that you are a poor sport. Everyone else on the Cal Poly thread who got rejected still praised Cal Poly for being a great school, congratulated those who got accepted & wished everyone luck.

Not you though - You made up a rumor about gender cuz you didn’t get your way.
You don’t even realize that you set women back by making it harder for them to be believed.