Does this mean I'm accepted??

Logged onto My Purdue today and my status changed to:

Application Status: Decision Made
Decision: Offer Admission
Decision Letter: Not available at this time

Does ‘Offer Admission’ mean Yes or No… LOL. I wonder why they can’t keep it simple and write Accepted/Denied.

Just want to make sure before celebrating.

@se1997‌ it means yes! Congrats! You’re a Boilermaker!

Yaay!!! Thank you :slight_smile:

Just to ask, did you apply regular decision or early action? I applied Feb. 1 and still have not received any decision, when did you apply?

I applied in early January!


@NorthernMom61‌ – Thank you so much :slight_smile:
@Jareva‌ – I applied in early January.

Congratulations! What college did you apply to?

@arabm2‌ - I applied for Actuarial science in the College of Science. I don’t think I’m going to pursue that make major if I do end up attending Purdue. Does anyone know how difficult it is to change majors within a college?

@se1997‌ I heard that it is very easy to change majors. However, I believe you will lose any scholarships that you were granted.

@ThatOnePastry‌ I didn’t get any merit scholarships so that would be ok for me.

@jareva It takes around 8 wees from submission date to get your decision according to Purdue Admissions’ twitter. So you’ll get it near end of March most likely.

i have applied by second week of December till now no info. It is for ECE, if it is reject won’t they update in application status? I am an international student.